In the forenoon I walked to Laughton to look upon Mr Sam Gibbs’s wool. I dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner…
In the afternoon Mr Tipper, officer of excise in this place, and I walked to Mrs Piper’s, where I measured part of a field for her. We stayed and drank tea there. Bett Mepham drank tea with my servants.
In the evening my brother-in-law Samuel Slater came to see me, and he together with Mr Tipper and Joseph Fuller spent the evening with me. My brother Slater stayed all night. This day balanced accounts with John Watford the younger and paid him 0.1.10 in full to this day…
This day the King’s Plate of £100 was run for on Lewes Downs by Lord Grosvenor’s horse Boreas and Mr Howard’s crop mare Suskey, which was won by Boreas, he distancing the mare in the first heat.