Sam Jenner a-sawing of wood for me all day. My brother came over in the forenoon to stand the shop for me during my absence in the afternoon, he together with Sam Jenner dined with me on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of a hot giblet pie.
In the afternoon Mr Porter and myself walked up to Mrs Piper’s, where we settled the account relating to our executorship etc. to her husband, and I paid in all the cash that I had received of that account and was paid my bill for goods etc.; so there is nothing due from me or to me on that account except the money of the balance of cash in hand, which was 1.9.7½ and which I now have as the balance of cash in hand as treasurer to the said trust.
Lent Thomas Braizer in cash 1.7.0, for which he gave me his note of hand. We came home about 8:10. My brother went home in the evening. Sam Jenner lodged at my house. Paid Joseph Fuller Jr 7½d for a breast of mutton bought of him today for Dame Burrage.