Wednesday, November 3 1762

…In the forenoon walked up to Mr John Vine’s, where I received my audit bill of 1.7.6. Sam Jenner at work for us part of the day and dined with me on the remains of yesterday‘s dinner with the addition of some broiled eels.

Paid Mr Blackwell, paper-maker of Hawkhurst, in cash and a sort of rags called hand-stuff 4.4.6 in full for 20 reams of paper received of him today… At home all day and but very little to do. Sam Jenner lodged at my house all night.

Oh, who can express the anxiety of my mind! I am really greatly distressed in my resolution of what manner to proceed in or what way of life to pursue. The way I am now in is neither agreeable nor advantageous. Sam Jenner lodged at my house all night.

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