Dame Vinal at our house a-washing half the day. She and Master Diplock of Sandhill dined with us. At home all day. Marked up Messrs Margesson and Collison’s parcel, which came in today. In the evening I was sent for over to Mrs Virgoe’s to settle accounts between her and her tenant John Fuller. He paid her… in full for 1½ years’ rent due to Mrs Virgoe at St Michael last. I wrote a receipt accordingly, which Mrs Virgoe signed:
In cash paid today 20.16.3
By cash paid the 19th April last 12.10.0
By land tax to Lady Day, 1755 2.10.0
By Taylor the glazier’s bill 0.5.0
By two bills of Atkins the mason 0.18.8
By money paid to Mr Edward Verral 0.10.1
Came home about 9 o’clock. Read the newspaper. Paid Peter Belton by goods and money 3/- for 3 doz heath brooms.