We breakfasted and dined at Mr Roase’s; called on Mr Madgwick, Mr Scrase, Mr Hook and Mr Tucker. Gave 2/- between Mr Roase’s man and 2 maids for my wife and myself. Paid for my horse’s hay and oats 12d. Gave the ostler 3d. Paid for half pint wine 6d. Paid for the turnpike 2d. Came home about 5:45 very sober. Found my brother at my house; he stayed all night. N.B.: We had Joseph Fuller’s horse. Paid Mr Will Kemp 2/- for cleaning my watch etc.
Author: Thomas Turner
Saturday, November 1 1755
My brother Moses came over and dined with us and stayed and kept shop while my wife and I went to Lewes. We set out about 2 o’clock; got there about 3:45. I paid Mr Thomas Friend 9.11.0 in full to this day… I received of Mr John Plumer 2.11.9 in full for the use of Mrs Mary Virgoe, which money he received of Mr Nicholas Shepherd, it being the balance of an account between Mr Shepherd and Mr Isaac Virgoe deceased. I paid Mr Joseph Attersall in cash 6/3 in full to this day; paid him 2/1 in cash in full for my mother. I paid Mr Edward Verral in cash 0.11.10½ in full to this day. Paid Mr William Roase in cash 1.19.9½ in full to the 8th August last. We spent the evening at Mr Roase’s and lay there. Paid the turnpike 2d. I insured Mrs Mary Virgoe’s house in Lewes in the Sun Fire Insurance for £300, which will cost her the annual sum of 9/-, it being 3/- per cent per annum, on account of its being deemed hazardous insurance, or otherwise it would have been but 2/- per cent per annum; the policy and carriage etc. will cost about 8/-. Borrowed of my mother, by my brother, £6.
Friday, October 31 1755
Rec’d of William Sinden ½ bushel wheat. Sent John Jenner (by Clark’s wagon) the 13½ lbs of lamb’s wool which I was paid for the 13th instant. At home all day.
Thursday, October 30 1755
At home all day. Rec’d of Joseph Fuller 1 bullock’s heart 12d. Paid for baking ½d. Gave a tramp 1d.
Wednesday, October 29 1755
At home all day; paid for flour and bread 3d. Nothing more of moment. Rec’d of Thomas Darby in cash 1.11.11 for things had by his man and for 5/- I lent him in cash the 15th September, which I have accordingly crossed out of my post book.
Tuesday, October 28 1755
This day sent Mr William Pooley a bill… value £30, which I this day drew on Messrs Margesson and Collison. Sent Frank Smith by his man in cash £23, which he is to pay in London for me… At home all day. Nothing more of moment. Sent my maid to Framfield to let my brother know Wadhurst Fair is Monday the 3rd of November.
Monday, October 27 1755
…Paid for 2 gallons of potatoes 6d. At home all day and busy. My brother Moses came over in the afternoon and stayed about 2 hours. I went down to Joseph Fuller’s in the evening; stayed and smoked one pipe.
Sunday, October 26 1755
At church in the forenoon; the text Colossians 3:2: “Set your affection on things above”… At home all day; read part of Jews’ Antiquities.
Saturday, October 25 1755
Paid for bread 3d. Rec’d of Mr James Shoesmith, by the payment of his son William, 16/5 in full to the 18th instant. Paid Mr William Piper… 5.6.1 in full for money paid to Messrs Margesson and Collison for my use by Messrs Swainstone & Hedges, being the money for which they sold 2 pockets of hops for Mr Piper, Nos. 1 & 2, weight 2 cwt 2 qr 16 lbs, sold at 42/- per cwt. Rec’d of Francis Smith in cash 5.5.4½, which with the money paid for me in London is in full for the £11 I gave him the 21st instant and with the 30.19.10½ he received in London for my mother’s and my wool makes together 41.19.10½. He paid Mr Calverley & Son on my mother’s account…
He paid Mr Calverley & Son on my mother’s account 16.13.0
On my account to Messrs Margesson & Co. 20.0.0
Rec’d today 5.5.4½
Paid for 3 sets of copies [copy-books?] 0.1.6
At home all day. Charles Diggens drank tea with us. Paid for baking meat ½d.
Friday, October 24 1755
Rec’d of Thomas Shoesmith 18d in full for 6 weeks’ schooling ending the 19th Oct. last. At home all day and busy. Mrs Vine the younger drank tea with us.