Wednesday, October 22 1755

Paid Joseph Fuller l4d for a shoulder of mutton of 4¾ lbs. Paid for bread 1d. Sarah Taylor drank tea with us. After tea went to the audit of Mr John Vine’s, where I received my audit bill at Mr John Vine, value 2.14.0. Gave his daughter 12d. Came home about 8:30, but neither ate nor drank anything. Whilst I was gone I smoked 5 pipes. Paid Lucy Mepham 18d for 3 days’ work.

Monday, October 20 1755

Got up in the morning about 3 o’clock. Weighed of my rags; sent them by Smith’s cart to Waldron in order to go by Noakes the Wadhurst carrier to Loose, where I am to have 29/6 per cwt. I am to pay carriage. The weight was 6 cwt O qr 18 lbs, 9.1.9½. Very busy all day. Paid for bread 4d. Mr George Beard and my brother Moses and Mr Slater and Nanny Slater came to see us and dined with us. Mr Beard, Mr Slater and my brother went away about 5 o’clock. Rec’d of my brother in cash 5.5.0, which with 11.8.0 I am to receive of their wool money makes 16.13.0, which I am to pay Mr Thomas Calverley & Son in full for my mother. Sarah Mott drank tea here.

Saturday, October 18 1755

At home all day and busy. Wrote to William Rice for the balance of his account and gave him 14 days to the bringing it… Rec’d of Francis Smith a receipt from Margesson and Collison, value £10, and 11/- I gave him the l4th October was reckoned in the cash I paid him yesterday, so that both of it’s in full for the 10.11.0 I gave him the l4th October. Paid for bread 1d.