Wednesday, December 26 1759

Balanced accounts with Mr Will Piper and paid him in cash 15/3½ and by a book debt 6/8½, which together makes the sum of 1.2.0, and is in full for 2 sacks of oats… In the forenoon my brother came over and borrowed my horse. He came back and dined with us on the remains of yesterday’s dinner.

In the evening I went into Joseph Durrant’s to smoke a pipe with Mr Thornton, where were Joseph Fuller Jr and Mr Elless. We stayed until near 3:20 when I came home sober. Mr Elless came and lodged at our house. I think I never spent an evening with less pleasure in my life, most of the company being in liquor, and very indifferent company, some before they were in liquor and some afterward, though if I speak truly I think universal good nature did not abound.

Gave the following boys as under for box money:

Stephen Starnes0.0.6
Richard Fuller0.0.6
Robert Hook0.0.3
Henry Vine0.0.6
Isaac Turner0.0.6

Paid Joseph Fuller 4/- for highway tax.

[Monday], August 14 1758

[The following excerpts from vol. 40 of the diary are taken from the Sussex Archaeological Collections, XI, 199-200.]

At home all day and thank GOD extremely busy. Was every day to be productive of as much business as today, I should in no wise envy the rich and great their continual rounds of ease and pleasure. No, it would add fresh vigor to my drooping spirits and give an agreeable elasticity to my ardent desire of carrying on my trade with vigor; then would I exert my utmost power in buying in my goods, that I might run them out with a quick return.

Saturday, June 24 1758

…Prodigious uneasy to think my wife did not come home according to her appointment, which was last night, neither for my brother to come over as he promised. It quite astonishes me to see how I am as it were deserted by all my friends, though it is no other than what I have seen approaching those 5 years past (and better). But, however, what to attribute the coldness and indifference with which I am treated by my friends and relations I am at a loss to guess. Sometimes I think I must be a prodigy that all my relations in general seem to be so indifferent to me, but when I come to take a more nearer view, I can find among the greatest part of their behavior something of self-interest intermixed with it, to which if we add that easy temper of mine; that is, easy to be imposed upon, I believe it will easily solve the appearing oddity; so that I shall find I have nought to trust to except the divine Providence and my own industry…

About 1:20 my brother Sam Slater brought home my wife and dined with us on some veal and bacon fried… At home all day. John Hesman supped with us.