Tuesday, December 21 1756

Paid Clymson the glover…14/3 in full for goods I received of him today… This being St Thomas’s day, I relieved the under-mentioned persons with one penny each:

1.Widow Hope18.Roger Vallow
2.John Streeter19.Will Starks
3.Widow Pilfold20.Thomas Dallaway
4.Dame Burrage21.Widow Cornwell
5.Richard Brazier22.Richard Vinal
6.Francis Turner23.Widow Cain
7.John Durrant24.Sarah Vinal
8.Will Henly25.Thomas Ling
9.James Emery26.John Dan
10.Lucy Mepham27.Widow Day
11.Sam Jenner28.William Eldridge
12.Thomas Tester29.Robert Baker
13.Thomas Heath30.Richard Till
14.Richard Heath31.Ed Babcock
15.Susan Swift32.Ann Wood
16.Richard Prall33.Widow Bristow
17.John Elless

…At home all day. In the evening read 4 of Tillotson’s sermons. Also in the evening John Watford here a-beating out of some apples for some cider; he supped with us.

Monday, December 20 1756

…Paid John Streeter 5/- for 2 dozen hard brushes he bought me today at Mr Wilbar’s. In the afternoon sent my maid to Framfield. In the evening my brother came over, but did not stay. I received of him for goods which he has and is to have 2.9.11½; viz.,

14 lbs saltpetre at 90/-0.11.3
7 blk. pepper nt. 20d0.11.8
1 ½ lbs nuts nt. 8/70.12.10½
½ hundred raisins  0.12.0

All the above had except 17 lb raisins. This day gave Thomas Tester an order for 3 pks. of wheat. In the evening read 3 of Tillotson’s sermons.

Sunday, December 19 1756

My wife, self, nephew and maid at church in the morning… Mr Porter being lame, the Rev Mr John Stone of tellingly preached here. We dined on a piece of boiled beef, bacon, butter pond pudding and turnips. Here was no churching in the afternoon; so I was at home all the afternoon. Thomas Davy drank tea with us. To him, and in the whole day I read & of Tillotson’s sermons. Thomas Davy sat with us until eight o’clock.

Wednesday, December 15 1756

In the forenoon vent down to John Watford’s and agreed to take of him one fat hog of about 10 or 12 stone, to be ready in the month of February, at 2/2 per stone, and to weigh no feet and ears if I kill him at home. Dr Snelling called on me, but did not stay above 40 minutes… Rec’d of Mr Sam Gibbs 8/0½ in full. He came in and drank part of a bottle of beer. At home all day. In the evening read 6 of Tillotson’s sermons, winch I think are extremely fine discourses.

Tuesday, December 14 1756

…My brother Moses came over (to take up a frock and pair of breeches for my nephew) in the afternoon; he stayed and drank tea with us, as did Master Piper. Rec’d of my brother 8/8 in full for 2 gallons grape brandy, exclusive of carriage. In the evening Mr French and Mr Joseph Fuller, coming into our house accidentally, stayed till about 10 o’clock, at which time Mrs Fuller and her daughter came and called Joseph Fuller, thinking, as I must imagine, that by their superiority of wit they could best judge when it was proper for him to come home. However, to do the good woman justice, she, finding Mr French at our house and her husband sober, did not use much of that volubility of tongue which she is many times so unfortunate as to be afflicted with on such occasions. I would not, by this short digression, be thought to bear ill nature to the last, and therefore the most accomplished, part of the creation (I mean the fair sex), but would have that they should employ themselves in all the soft and endearing ways that their nature seems framed for to delight man with, and not by assuming too much of the obstreperous and masculine behavior render themselves (instead of the greatest happiness, which the contrary behavior must consequently yield to mankind) the greatest misery, trouble and misfortune that can I think accrue to man.

This day delivered to Mr Jeremiah French two bills…together…18.16.8. At home all day. Posted part of my day book and also wrote out part of several bills. Sent Francis Smith 1 bag horse hair, 33 lbs, 1 do. of dock hair of 7 lbs.

Monday 13 December 1756

In the morning took up a coat for Mr Coates’s servant, a frock for Thomas Fuller and a waistcoat for Thomas Davy, who breakfasted with us… At home all day. In the evening read 5 of Tillotson’s sermons, 4 of which were on the immortality of the soul, proved by the light of nature, by reason and also by the gospel. I find in them several citations from the heathen and Roman philosophers which showed they were not without hopes of a future state.

Sunday, December 12 1756

In the morning Thomas Davy breakfasted with us, and afterwards he, my wife, self and Mr Porter’s cook sent to Chiddingly Church (there being no teaching at our church on account of Mr Porter’s being lame). It was late before we got there, the clergyman being in the litany… We dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of the whiting sent us by Mrs Roase and also a suet pudding. This day wrote a letter to Mr Stephen Fletcher in order to be by the post tomorrow, to be left at the White Horse, wherein I enclosed a bill payable to his master Mr Sam Ridings or order, on Messrs Margesson and Collison, dated the 14th instant, 30 days’ date, No. 298, value 8.8.0, in full on my account due to Mr Sam Ridings. No churching at our church this afternoon. Thomas Davy at our house in the evening. I read 6 of Tillotson’s sermons in the whole day. Yesterday received of Thomas Prall 4/- in full for Gibbs’s certificate, which our parish granted to him.