Sunday, September 12 1756

In the morning about 5:20 my wife and I set out on our intended journey and went by Framfield in order to call Moses and Sally, whom, when we came, we found disappointed in getting of a horse to go upon so Sally could not go. We did not get off our horse nor stop any longer than the time my brother was a-dressing himself. He walked with us to Uckfield where he hired a horse and went with us to Chailey–or at least came after us. For while his horse was a-catching etc., we went softly on thinking he would overtake us, but he never did though he came to Chailey in less than 5 minutes after we were got in.

We got to Chailey about 9:05. We breakfasted at Mr Beard’s and went to church there. We heard a very good sermon preached by the Rev Mr Ralph Clutton (curate to the Rev Mr Richard Porter) from the 8th verse of the 19th Psalm: “The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.” My wife, my brother, and myself dined at Mr Beard’s (in company with a man and woman, who, I understood, came from Lindfield) on a piece of bacon boiled and turned cabbage, a pieces of beef roasted, plum suet pudding, horse radish and cucumbers. My family dined at home on a sheep’s heart pudding. There being no sermon there in the afternoon, I did not go to church. We drank tea at Mr Beard’s and stayed till about 6:45. My brother came with us to Uckfield where we parted. We got home about 9 o’clock, and very sober. I paid Mr George Beard 20/- in full for a piece of poking (hop-bagging) received from him the 4th instant. We spent in all 18d; viz,

My wife to the maid0.0.6
Myself to do.0.0.6
Myself to Dicky0.0.6

I think Mr Beard is very happily situated with regard to trade, but I doubt not very much so in his wife. But as he got to bed to her beforehand, he must be said to have done very justly in marrying, of her.

Friday September 19 1756

In the morning paid John Cayley in cash… and goods… 6.4.0 in full for my note of hand, which I gave him the 20th of August, and which I have accordingly taken up. Did a little gardening in the forenoon… At home all day… Read part of a book written by the Rev Mr Perronet, Vicar of Shoreham in Kent, which was lent me by George Richardson, and so far as I am a judge, I think it a very good thing. Wrote out several bills.

Thursday, September 9 1756

Paid John Lewer by cash and goods… 12/9 in full for a crock of butter received of him this day for Mr Hook, weighing 25½ lbs. Paid John Streeter 9d for a pair of pattens received by him this day from Thomas Freeman. Down at Whyly all the forenoon a-mending and putting up an old oast [R]air… Rec’d of John Jones the guinea loaned him the 27th of August. Dame Martin drank tea at our house.

Wednesday, September 8 1756

Dame Prall a-washing for us all day. We dined on a lamb’s heart pudding, the lights and mint boiled and minced, the tongue and brains boiled and a piece of pork boiled and some carrots. Rec’d of Thomas Darby 10/-, which I loaned him the 24th July. At home all day… My wife ill with a sore throat. My brother brought my sea water in the evening from Lewes, but did not stay.


…After breakfast walked down to Whyly with some goods. Mr William Francis, Messrs Barlow and Wigginton’s rider, called on us and dined with us on some lamb’s liver and rashers of pork fried and some cucumbers. I paid him…£24, which leaves due to balance £10. At home all day and busy. In the afternoon sent my maid to Framfield. Wrote a letter for Joseph Fuller to Tomlin with 1 pocket of hops.

Sunday, September 5 1756

This morning I determined to set out for London on Wednesday morning next if I can get in any money, which I make question I shall not. However, I sent my maid with a letter to Mr Darby for his balance against the time. Myself, wife and nephew at church in the morning; the text in Proverbs 12:26: “The righteous is more excellent than his neighbor.” We dined on a duck pudding and French beans. My whole family at church in the afternoon, the text in Acts 17:31: “Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained.” After churchtime paid the poor; viz.,

To Dame Pilfold0.6.0
To Streeter for doing for do.0.3.0
To Trill0.5.0

Joseph Mepham buried today. At home all day. My brother came over in the evening to go to work at Marchant’s tomorrow. He and James Marchant supped at our house. I this day asked the two Mr Vines for the balance of their accounts against the time I appointed to set out for London, but find I shall not go for there is no money to be had.

Friday, September 3 1756

I was bled in the morning… This day wrote to Mr Beard to inform him my wife and I intended to pay him a visit on the 12th instant. Read part of Hervey’s Theron and Aspasio. Mr Oliver Ormeroid, Messrs Hargrave and Standing’s rider, called on me and drank tea with us, but I neither gave him orders nor money. My brother was over in the evening, but did not stop. Mr Browne of Withyham called at the door, but did not stay.