…In the evening sent John [Hesman?] over to Framfield for a shroud etc. for Mr Thomas Jones, for which I gave him 6d. Balanced accounts with John Jenner, hatter at Hailsham, and received of him 10½d in full except 10/- for rabbit skins sold him today. Sent his boy 6d for box money.
Category: Uncategorised
Thursday, December 23 1756
Lent Mr Jeremiah French in cash £10, for which he gave me his note of hand payable to me or bearer on demand. Paid Isfield miller by his servant 6/- for one bushel of oatmeal received today… This day gave Joseph Fuller orders to carry a bullock’s cheek to Dame Burrage.
Wednesdsay, december 23 1756
…In the day papered up 24 lbs of tobacco in 127 papers… This day I received by Richard Siggs my pipe of cider, which I had made by Mr Heaver of Uckfield. This day I balanced accounts with Mr Jeremiah French (by his wife) and paid her 6.8.6 in full to this day… In the evening read 7 of Tillotson’s sermons.
Tuesday, December 21 1756
Paid Clymson the glover…14/3 in full for goods I received of him today… This being St Thomas’s day, I relieved the under-mentioned persons with one penny each:
1. | Widow Hope | 18. | Roger Vallow |
2. | John Streeter | 19. | Will Starks |
3. | Widow Pilfold | 20. | Thomas Dallaway |
4. | Dame Burrage | 21. | Widow Cornwell |
5. | Richard Brazier | 22. | Richard Vinal |
6. | Francis Turner | 23. | Widow Cain |
7. | John Durrant | 24. | Sarah Vinal |
8. | Will Henly | 25. | Thomas Ling |
9. | James Emery | 26. | John Dan |
10. | Lucy Mepham | 27. | Widow Day |
11. | Sam Jenner | 28. | William Eldridge |
12. | Thomas Tester | 29. | Robert Baker |
13. | Thomas Heath | 30. | Richard Till |
14. | Richard Heath | 31. | Ed Babcock |
15. | Susan Swift | 32. | Ann Wood |
16. | Richard Prall | 33. | Widow Bristow |
17. | John Elless |
…At home all day. In the evening read 4 of Tillotson’s sermons. Also in the evening John Watford here a-beating out of some apples for some cider; he supped with us.
Monday, December 20 1756
…Paid John Streeter 5/- for 2 dozen hard brushes he bought me today at Mr Wilbar’s. In the afternoon sent my maid to Framfield. In the evening my brother came over, but did not stay. I received of him for goods which he has and is to have 2.9.11½; viz.,
14 lbs saltpetre at 90/- | 0.11.3 |
7 blk. pepper nt. 20d | 0.11.8 |
1 ½ lbs nuts nt. 8/7 | 0.12.10½ |
Carriage | 0.0.8 |
½ hundred raisins | 0.12.0 |
Carriage | 0.1.6 |
All the above had except 17 lb raisins. This day gave Thomas Tester an order for 3 pks. of wheat. In the evening read 3 of Tillotson’s sermons.
Sunday, December 19 1756
My wife, self, nephew and maid at church in the morning… Mr Porter being lame, the Rev Mr John Stone of tellingly preached here. We dined on a piece of boiled beef, bacon, butter pond pudding and turnips. Here was no churching in the afternoon; so I was at home all the afternoon. Thomas Davy drank tea with us. To him, and in the whole day I read & of Tillotson’s sermons. Thomas Davy sat with us until eight o’clock.
Saturday, December 18 1756
[the first part of this transcription is missing]
Homer’s Odyssey and in the evening 5 of Tillotson’s sermons. I can with truth say I have not been one pole from my house today. Oh, nothing to do, the thought of which almost drives me to despair.
Friday, December 17 1756
[this transcription is missing]
Thursday, December 16 1756
…Posted some of the parish accounts.
[part of the transcription is missing]
Wednesday, December 15 1756
In the forenoon vent down to John Watford’s and agreed to take of him one fat hog of about 10 or 12 stone, to be ready in the month of February, at 2/2 per stone, and to weigh no feet and ears if I kill him at home. Dr Snelling called on me, but did not stay above 40 minutes… Rec’d of Mr Sam Gibbs 8/0½ in full. He came in and drank part of a bottle of beer. At home all day. In the evening read 6 of Tillotson’s sermons, winch I think are extremely fine discourses.