Friday, January 23 1756

While we were at breakfast, my father Slater came in. He stayed and breakfasted with us and also dined with us. After dinner he went to Laughton to bury Mrs Shoesmith, who was brought from Hartfield to Laughton yesterday by men. I tied up 8 hatbands for him. I paid Mr Thomas Porter 2.13.6 in full for the note of hand I gave him the 12th instant and took up the note (of Mrs Porter) accordingly. Gave a tramp 1½d… I find in Tournefort’s Voyage [a supposed account of Homer’s birth]… In the evening my father Slater came back from the funeral. He stayed at our house all night. Gave Francis Turner 6d for looking after my father’s horse and Mr Bowman’s horse on the 21st instant.

Thursday, January 22 1756

…Paid Thomas Freeman (by the postmaster) 0.6.3, which is in full to this day and 9d more than I owe him, it being for 1 pair of creepers which I received and paid for on the 13th day of Dec. last, and the remainder (to wit 4/6) is in full for 6 pairs of women’s cloth pattens I received today by the postman. I paid John Cayley 3.9.6 in full to this day; to wit, for butter etc. as below:

For 39 lbs butter, 6d         0.19.6

Do. 92 do. 6½d               2.9.10

Do. for 1 new hoop            0.0.2½


This butter I sent to Mr John Wilson in Southover, and I received in return from Mr Wilson:

4O lbs shop thread            1.1.8

And by the bill I drew on Mr Wilson to Mr Collison on the 16th instant                 2.8.10½


which makes in full

for the above butter              3.9.6½

and for 1 new crock                O.1.0


At home all day. John Cayley smoked a pipe with me. In the evening read part of Tournefort’s Voyage into the Levant.

Wednesday, January 21 1756

At home all day. My brother and Mr Bowman dined with us. Mr Bowman stayed and smoked a pipe with me. Rec’d ½ bushel wheat of William Sinden. The Halland gardener cut my grape-vine and drank tea with us. Thomas Davy supped with us and he and I played at cribbage; I won 1d. I paid him 13d for my share of Martin’s Magazine; that is, 1d per piece over half price, on account of their being to be mine. Paid for milk ½d.

Tuesday, January 20 1756

At home all day. Mr T. Earle and Mr S. Tupper called on me but did not get off their horses… Borrowed of Mrs Mary Virgoe in cash 2.17.0; to wit, 1 36-shilling-piece and 1 guinea. Sarah Taylor drank tea with us. In the evening read part of Tournefort’s Voyage into the Levant [about 150 words omitted]…

Saturday, January 17 1756

At home all day… After breakfast Mr Collison went to Framfield. Gave John Gibbs 1d for some touchwood he brought me today… In the evening Peter Adams and I balanced accounts… Rec’d by oatmeal at sundry times 3.18.9; remains due 5.5.0¼ for which I received his note of hand dated today, payable to me or order on demand. Thomas Davy and I played at cribbage in the evening; I won 6d. Sat up till near 1 o’clock.

Friday, Jannuary 16 1756

At home all the fore part of the day. Mr Edward Relfe and Mr John Aliot of Lewes called on me, both in liquor. They stayed and drank 2 bottles of beer with us. In the evening went down to Halland to balance accounts with Mr Coates, but he was not at home. He came home while I was there — in liquor — so I came away without balancing accounts. When I came home, I found Mr John Collison at our house. We balanced accounts, and there remains due to Messrs Margesson and Collison 17.16.0 in full (the £20 which I owe them for Mr Samuel Virgoe excepted)… Paid for 6 cabbage nets 4d. Gave Grace Grover 3d for Mr John Barnard, which I agreed to on the 3 Jan., 1756. Mr Collison supped with us and stayed all night at our house.