Saturday, October 4 1755

Paid for bread 1d. At home all day and busy. Paid Francis Smith as under:

for 4 red cabbages                 0.0.8

ditto 1 peck onions                0.0.8

ditto potatoes                     0.0.10


all for Mrs Day except 2 of the cabbages. Paid Joseph Durrant 7/6 in full for my window tax for the year 1754.

Friday, October 3 1755

Got up in the morning about 6 o’clock. Bought my Manchester goods at Mr Hook’s…. Paid Mr William English 10d for grinding 5 razors. Met with Mr George Beard at Lewes today. Paid for my horse 11d. Gave the maid 3d. Save the ostler 3d. Paid for ⅓ of a pint of wine and water 5d. Paid for 10 whitings 3d. Paid for the turnpike 2d. Came home about 1:40. Rec’d of William Sinden ½ bushel wheat. My brother dined with us

Thursday, October 2 1755

Gave Henry Vine 2d for going over to Framfield. About 5 o’clock my brother Moses came and called me to go to Lewes to meet the Manchesterman. Rec’d of Mr Isaac Hook 1.1.0 in full. Spent the evening in part at Mr Hook’s, Mr Scrase’s, and part at the White Horse. Paid 2d for the turnpike. Paid for supper and wine 12d, went to bed about 12 o’clock.

Wednesday, October 1 1755

Rec’d of Moses Turner 6.16.8 in full

for 36½ yds serge and carriage sent to my mother some time since; to wit,

24½ yds at 3/1               3.15.6

12 yds sca [?] 5/-           3.0.0

carriage and letter          0.1.2

…Paid Thomas Prall 3.3.0 in full for 3 pieces of coarse hop-bagging which I received from him the 8th of Sept last. Paid Halland gardener 2/6 in full for ½ bushel of onions 18d and for 12d of cucumbers which we sold for him. Dame Martin of Whitesmith drank tea with us. At home all day and busy. Paid for butter 3d. Nothing more of moment.

Monday, September 29 1755

Sent Mr Will Roase the bill I rec’d of John Cayley on Weeks (the 24th instant), value: 6.6.6, and likewise sent him my draft on Messrs Margesson and Collison… for £20, which makes together 26.6.6. Sent the aforementioned bills in a letter by George Richardson, who called on me in his way to Lewes. This day William Weller and Samuel Elphick came over to Hoathly and signed Samuel’s indentures, in which he is to serve 7 yrs from the 24th June 1754, but on a previous agreement he is to let him free at any time. Paid for bread ½d. Paid Nicholls in goods and money 8/- in full for 8 days’ work. Paid Master Bridgman 6d for a breast of lamb of 2½ lbs this day. Sent Mr John Crouch a bill on Messrs Margesson and Collison… value £10. My brother Moses came over in the afternoon and stayed all night.

Friday, September 26 1755

At home all day and busy. Mrs Rice and her daughter drank tea here. Paid Mr Edward Lashmer for 18 lbs 6d sugar, 8/9. Paid Francis Smith in cash 14.3.6, which with the £10 I gave him the 22nd instant makes 24.3.6 and is in full for money paid in London for me this week (to wit):

To Messrs Margesson and Collison        24.0.0

for 6 alphabets of round hand copies    0.3.6

Thomas Davy here in the evening. Stayed and went to cribbage. I lost 1 gallon of pears valued at 1½d. Borrowed of Thomas Davy in cash 5/-. George Richardson called on us in his way home from Dallington.