Friday, July 9 1756

In the morning wrote out one window tax book. About 9 o’clock Mr French called me to go to Laughton with him in order to see a funeral there; to wit, the Hon Lady Frances, dowager of Castlecomer, sister to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, and accordingly we went.

She was brought to Halland about 11 o’clock, but not taken out of the hearse, and was interred in their family vault at Laughton about 1:30, and in the 69th year of her age. The pall was supported by the Hon Col Pelham, Sir Francis Poole, — Campion Esq, T. Pelham Esq., John Pelham Esq. and Henry Pelham Esq. The funeral service was read by the Bishop of Chichester. There were two mourning coaches, Mr Pelham’s and Col Pelham’s and the bishop’s, but not so great a number of people as might have imagined.

We called at the keeper’s as we went and also went into Markwick’s at the Pound both before and after the funeral. For Mr French is that man who would willingly never be without a dram of gin in his hand. Oh, that mankind should be so abiggated to that baneful liquor, a liquor more sure to kill than even a cannon ball. We called at T. Jones’s as we came home, but, however, I got home about 6 o’clock, and sober.

After I came home, I dined on what my family left; to wit, a cold eel pie and batter pudding and cold bacon (but that I ate none of). Afterwards I finished writing out the land and window tax books. In the evening Mr Elless and I walked up to John Vine the younger’s to borrow his little horse to ride to the [Tunbridge] Wells upon, but he was not at home, which was a good excuse for not lending me it. I spent 6d, and James Marchant came home with us from Laughton.

Wednesday, July 7 1756

At home all the morning… In the evening Master Darby, myself and one of Master Rice’s men went down and looked at Master Trill’s house, and it seems very much out of repair. I gave orders to have it repaired. Read some of Tillotson’s work. Master Piper and Mr French again come with, “I wish you would write the land and window tax books for us.”

Tuesday, July 6 1756

At home all the morning. About noon I and Mr Elless walked down to Whyly where we found Mr William Rice and John Browne. My business was to consult Mr French concerning Braizer’s child. Did not stay above half an hour…At home all the afternoon. My brother drank tea with us. Rec’d of Master Darby the cash lent him the 2nd instant. Gave the gardener at Halland a knife, value 12d.

Monday, July 5 1756

In the morning I was called up about 5:25 by Master Mugridge to inform me he had some wheat to dispose of, and I agreed for Sinden to look on it. About 5:50 I set out for Framfield on foot, but met my brother about the London Gate with a horse. I got on horseback and went and breakfasted at Framfield. After breakfast we set out for Cuckfield in order to treat with Mr Hesman concerning hiring of his shop. We arrived at Cuckfield about 11 o’clock where we treated with Mr Hesman and saw his stock. He agreed to leave it immediately by appraisement or to cry a sale and keep on till St Michael and then leave it by appraisement. But we agreed to consult within ourselves and let him know our minds in about 14 days’ time. We dined at the King’s Head on veal cutlets. We just called on Mr Joseph Hill, and from Cuckfield we went to a fair at St Joan’s Common. From thence we came to Chailey and drank tea (meeting with Mr Beard a-coming from the fair by accident). We came together as far as Uckfield where we parted, my brother going to Framfield, and I came home about 10:30. I spent about 4/6. This day I received of my mother 4.4.0 for her half part of the mare bought between us, my family at home dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner.

Sunday, July 4 1756

At home all day. About ten o’clock Mr Tucker came in, as did my mother and brother about 11:30, which is the first time my mother has been at our house this 17 or 18 months. We dined on a piece of bacon, the remaining part of the neck of veal boiled with cabbage and carrots, and a roasted shoulder of mutton and green salad, with a plum pond pudding. About 3 o’clock my brother went to my uncle Hill’s in order to get a horse to go with me to Cuckfield upon tomorrow. About 3:20 Mr Thomas Scrase and Dr Snelling came in, who all stayed and spent the afternoon with me. My brother came back just before we drank tea, and they all drank tea with us. This day Thomas Scrase brought me a new wig, value 21/-. Mr Tucker, Snelling and Scrase went away about 7 o’clock, as did my mother and brother about 7:30. After my company was gone, I went down to Mrs Atkins’s to inform them of my intended journey tomorrow… Got Mr French to pay the poor.

Saturday, July 3 1756

In the morning Mr French and I went up to talk with Elizabeth Elless, who acknowledged she was with child and not above 2 or 3 weeks more to go of her time. We asked her to inform us of the father, which she seemed very unwilling to do, but she agreed with us to go and swear her parish, though we were almost confident she did belong to our parish, but thinking she might be persuaded to swear the father, we concluded to carry her to Lewes and accordingly came back to prepare for our journey. My brother being come over, I got him to stand the shop for me in my absence, which he agreed to. Then Mr French and I went down to Mr Porter’s to get him to meet us as we were carrying my lady along and to talk to her to inform her of the reasonableness and justice of her either informing us who the father was or swearing it, which he promised to do. I then went home with Mr French to get his horses and dined there on a piece of pork and greens and a beef pudding (my family at home dining on some fried veal and bacon). After dinner we set out for Lewes, Mr French’s servant, J. Shoesmith, carrying her, and he and I rode single. Mr Porter, according to his promise, met with her and talked to her very much but all to no purpose; so we proceeded on our journey. When we came to Lewes, had her examined, and being informed by Mr Verral, the justice’s clerk, she would belong to us, we did not have her sworn. With all the persuasions Mr Verral, Mr French and myself were masters of we could not prevail on her to confess the father, though I think we tried all ways to come to the knowledge of him. We came back again about 9 o’clock. Spent 4/9½ as under:

At Turner’s0.0.3½
At Martin’s0.1.1½
At the White Hart0.1.2
Examination etc.0.1.0
Do. at Martin’s0.0.5
Do. at Turner’s0.0.3½

…Paid Mary Dine for making a gown etc. for my wife 2/-. She and my brother drank tea with my wife. My brother went home immediately after I came home…

Friday, July 2 1756

At home all day. Dr Stone here in the morning. We dined on the remains of Monday’s dinner with a butter pudding cake. After dinner our maid went over to Framfield. This day I received the horse from Mr Bachelor of Hartfield and lent Master Darby in cash 10/-. My brother here in the evening, but did not stay. Heard also of Elizabeth Elless’s being with child.