Tuesday, September 9 1755

…This day gave Mr French a receipt on Mr Chatfield’s bill for nails and dated it I think the 28th July; but received no money of Mr French, it being to go to account. Lent Mr John Mugridge in silver 21/- and have entered it in my day book and likewise in a bill he had with other goods. Paid for flour 9¾d. Charles Diggens and Thomas Goldsmith here in the evening. At home all day.

Monday, September 8 1755

Rec’d of Thomas Prall 3 pieces of coarse hop-bagging at 21/- each. Rec’d of Rippington’s boys 6d for a week’s schooling… Paid Francis Smith by cash 0.9.7 ¾ and half a pound of gingerbread 1¼d together with 24.15.0 I sent him the 2nd instant in full for the money he paid for me in London last week as below:

Paid Messrs Margesson and Collison      25.0.0

Paid for a gammon of bacon, 14 lbs at 3½d   0.4.1½

Carriage                                  0.0.7½


At home all day and busy. Paid for bread 1d.

Sunday, September 6 1755

My wife and I at church in the morning; the text in Hebrews 12:5: ” …my son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him. For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.” My wife and I at church in the afternoon; the text in [Luke] 14:14: “…for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.” After churchtime Master Piper stayed and smoked a pipe with me. After we had drunk tea, my wife and I took a walk. In the evening read Derham’s Sermons at Boyle’s Lectures, wherein I find a man evacuates as much in one day by insensible perspiration as in 14 by stool.