Thursday, March 5 1761

In the forenoon my brother came over and dined with us on a piece of beef boiled and greens and a raisin suet pudding. In the forenoon my uncle Hill called on me, but did not stay any longer than just breakfasting. Rec’d of my brother today in cash the £1 which he omitted sending me the 2nd instant… At home all day. My wife, poor creature, very ill. Ah melancholy daily repetition!

Monday, March 2 1761

In the forenoon sent Philip over to Framfield with one bill payable to my brother… value £30 and my brother sent me back by the bearer in cash £29 in part of the same bill… in the evening went to Jones’s a little while, where there was a public vestry and a poor rate made at the rate of four shillings and three pence to the pound. In the evening wrote my London letters. My wife, poor creature, very ill.

Sunday, March 1 1761

Myself and niece at church in the morning… This day John Inman and Elizabeth Akehurst were asked their last time. And the banns of marriage for the first time were published between William [Alcorne] and Anna Oxley, both of this parish. We had a brief read for several poor sufferers by fire at Stamford in the county of Bedford, whose losses together amounted to the sum of £1333 and upwards to which collection I gave 2d. We dined on part of a sparerib boiled and greens and a raisin and currant suet pudding, with a piece of fresh salmon boiled for my wife. Myself and niece at church in the afternoon… After tea my niece and I walked down in the Park. In the evening read 3 of Tillotson’s sermons. My wife very ill.