Sunday, July 20 1760

My wife and self at church in the morning… My brother William came to see us in churchtime, and dined with us on a lamb’s heart pudding, a lamb’s lights, tongue and head and French beans. No service at our church in the afternoon, Mr Porter preaching at Laughton.

After dinner my wife and I took a ride for air. We called at my uncle Hill’s, but did not stay. From thence we went to Mr Godfrey’s in the Plashett Park and drank tea in company with my cousin Molly Hill; after tea my uncle came. We came home about 9:10. My brother stayed and drank tea with our servant and stayed till about 7:10.

Saturday, July 19 1760

Lent John Browne in cash £10, which with the £20 I lent him (or more rather my brother) the 27th ult. makes the sum of £30, for which I received his bond, which I made to my brother William Turner on account that when my uncle Hill pays in my brother’s money, my brother Moses and I shall again take up ours, so that we have only laid ours down till such time as my uncle Hill pays Will his money, which he should have one before now. The bond is dated the 5th instant and the interest £4 percent, and witnessed by myself.

In the forenoon rode to Mr Peckham’s and looked upon his wool, and bid him 8½d per pound, but did not buy it… We dined on some lamb’s liver and pork fried. In the afternoon finished posting my day book. Mr John Pike of Burwash lodged at our house, he coming to see Master Hook.

Tuesday, July 15 1760

Mary Heath a-washing for us all day, and dined with us… After dinner I and Mr Thornton set out for Lewes (I wanting to see Mr Friend, to know the price of wool), but went by Alfriston, there being a game of cricket to be played there between Sam Jenner of the same place and Storry Adams of Arlington, for two guineas each. When Adams went in first and was bowled out the first ball; then Jenner went in and [was] bowled out the first ball. Then Adams went in the second time and was again bowled out in 2 balls, and Jenner went in his second time and the first ball he had he struck and got one run, which decided the game, and I believe in less than 10 minutes they then played again for half Guinea each. Adams went in first and got 17 runs; Jenner went in and got five runs; then Adams went in his 2nd innings and got 2 more runs, and Jenner went in his last innings and was bowled out the 2nd ball, so that Adams won this game by 14 runs.

I having the good fortune to meet Mr Friend at Alfriston did not go any farther, but came home about 7:10. Spent 7d today. Paid Dr Snelling 12d in full. My wife paid Mary Heath 18d for two days’ washing. In the morning my brother came over and brought my horse. What can betray greater stupidity in mankind than to game for such large sums?

Friday, July 11 1760

…In the evening went to Heronsdale with Joseph Fuller to look upon wool he had bought, and which I bought of him at 9d per lb, with the proviso that he give me 6 lbs into the whole parcel, which he assures me was about 100 fleeces. Came home again about 9:20. Very little to do all day. In the forenoon worked in my garden. Read part of Bracken’s Farriery.