I dined on a hare roasted, with a pudding in the belly. In the afternoon drank tea with Mrs Atkins… In the evening Mrs Browne sent to me. She wanted to consult me about some business, and I accordingly walked down to her house, Mr Long accompanying me. I came home about 9:20, Sam Jenner coming, home with me, who stayed an hour or two with me. Posted part of my day book; a dull heavy time.
Thursday, November 12 1761
…Mrs Piper, her servant and children drank tea with me. At home all day. In the evening posted part of my day book. Dame Durrant made me a present of a fat goose. Very little to do all day.
Wednesday, November 11 1761
…After breakfast I rode to Framfield, where I dined at my brother’s… I stayed and drank tea at my brother’s and came home about 7:40. This day balanced the accounts between myself and brother and sister, on account of the keeping of Philip and the rent which my brother had received of James Knight for two years, due at St Michael last (0.S.). After we had balanced the accounts and outset the expenses attending keeping the boy, I received of my brother my share of the remainder of the rent.
Sure a duller time for trade I never knew, and what way to take in order to improve my little fortune I am at a loss to know, being so confined and limited with family connections and so tied down that I cannot exert myself in the manner I otherwise might do.
Tuesday, November 10 1761
…After breakfast walked to Francis Gibbs’s, where there was a sale of all sorts of household furniture, stock etc. where I received of Mr Charles Thornton, attorney, 8/- in full for 1 year’s land tax due from Francis Gibbs at St Michael last… Mr Richard Stone sent me by his huntsman a hare, for which I gave his man 12d. I drank tea at Joseph Durrant’s. In the evening posted part of my day book.
Pretty busy all day, but how can I describe melancholy situation; no, I cannot. I no ways repine at the all-wise distributions of Providence, but yet through the knavery of some and the folly of others my situation is far from being happy, and who can describe the difference between the good economy of my wife in the prudent management of her affairs and what I now by sad experience find, and yet I believe few have more honest and truer servants.
Monday, November 9 1761
…As soon as I had dined, Mr Snelling called on me, and he and his servant dined on some pork bones broiled… In the evening went down to Mr Porter’s, but did not stay. In the evening wrote my London letters.
Sunday, November 8 1761
Rec’d of Richard Wakeling 1.2.6 in part of interest due on a mortgage to the late Will Piper deceased… Myself and both servants at church in the morning… I dined on a cold chick pie. Myself and servants at church in the afternoon… My servant drank tea at Mrs Fuller’s. Sam Jenner drank some coffee with me.
In the first of the evening, after my servant came home, I went up to Joseph Fuller’s, where I stayed and smoked 2 pipes. I came home and found Mr Thornton and Mr T. Durrant at my house, to whom and in the day I read three of Tillotson’s sermons.
Saturday, November 7 1761
…In the evening walked down to Whyly with a cloak for Mrs French. I stayed and smoked a pipe or two with Mr French and came home about 7:20. Dame Hook buying some things in the shop, she and her daughter drank tea with me. In the evening paid Joseph Fuller Jr in cash 36.17.0 in full for his half part of the money which I had received of Mr Tomlin for the hops he sold, which were bought in partnership between myself and Joseph Fuller. Joseph Fuller stayed and smoked a pipe with me. Pretty busy all day. I wish I could say happy in my mind, but ease there is what seems quite banished at present. Oh, could I come [count ?] up the virtues that adorned that happy good woman that I have lost, then indeed might I like her know happiness in this vale of tears.
Friday, November 6 1761
Paid Nutley the miller 3/10 in full for 1 bushel flour received by him today. John Jenner the hatter at Hailsham dined with me… I paid him in cash and goods 18/-… In the evening Master Hook and I balanced accounts, and there was due to him 1.15.0, for which I gave him my note of hand… If the accounts we balanced were my bill of goods delivered to this day and his bills of mine and Philip’s shoes and Philip’s board to the 1st instant. On the whole everything between us is balanced except the £8 I lent him 23rd ult. Truly a melancholy time indeed.
Thursday, November 5 1761
…I dined at Mr Porter’s on a sirloin of beef roasted, a buttock and a piece of brisket boiled, raisin suet pudding and turnips, in company with a great many more of the parishioners, it being the tithe feast day… I paid Mr Porter 8/- in full for 1 year’s tithe due on Michaelmas last. Came home very sober about 5:10. Very little to do all day — a most dismal, dull time for trade…
Wednesday, November 4 1761
At home all the forenoon. I dined on a leg of mutton roasted in the oven and a batter pudding under it. In the afternoon I rode to Lewes in company with Mr Thornton. I received of Mr George Verral 8.4.3 for Mrs Atkins. We came home very sober about 6:40… I called at Mr Verral’s, Mr Scrase’s and Mr Madgwick’s, as also on Mr Gilbert, who was not at home. In the evening Joseph Fuller Jr smoked a pipe with me.