At home all day. My blister did not rise scarcely at all. Nicholls at work for me. Rec’d of Dame Divol 17/3 for goods sold her the 25rd of May 1753. Dame Vinal and my brother Moses both dined here. Paid Mrs Virgoe 5/- in part of the 12/6 I borrowed of her the 12th instant. Gave a tramp ½d. Paid for bread 1d.
Tuesday, September 16 1755
At home all day. My blister did not rise at all; my eye much the same. Sent Francis Smith by his man 40/-, which with £18 I paid him the 14th instant is in full for £20 which he paid unto Messrs Margesson and Collison for me last week. Moses came over again to see me. Nicholls at work for me today. This day balanced accounts with William Sinden and, with an iron-bound pail now had, there remains due to me 0.13.0¾ as below:
My bill on Sinden 1.19.4¾
Sinden’s bill on me for flour etc. 1.8.9
Iron-hooped pail 0.2.4
In the evening another blister laid on. Paid John Saxby for a forehead comb which he got at Lewes for me, 2d. Paid for bread and bagging 2d. Rec’d of Robert Hook 1 pr shoes, 5/6.
Monday, September 15 1755
At home all day. My eye very bad. Nicholls at work for me. In the evening had a blister laid on. Busy all day. My brother Moses came to see me in the afternoon. Gave Richard Fuller about 1d in pears for writing my London letters etc. Paid for bread 1d. Thomas Davy here in the evening. Lent Master Darby in cash 5/-.
Sunday, September 14 1755
At home all day in very great pain with my eye; took physic. Will Turner came to see me and dined with us and stayed until 7 o’clock. Charles Diggens spent 2 or 3 hours with me in the afternoon. Paid Francis Smith £18 in part for money he paid in London for me this week.
Saturday, September 13 1755
At home all day. Very bad with eye, and very busy. Paid for bread 1d. My wife took bad with the rheumatism.
Friday, September 12 1755
At home all day. Took physic. Remained in great pain with my eye. Mr Miller sent me for a present a very fine roasting pig. Gave the boy l2d. Borrowed of Mrs Virgoe 12/6. Paid for bread 1d.
Thursday, September 11 1755
At home all day. Bleeded. Rec’d of Joseph Fuller 15 lbs of beef, 3/9, not paid for. In a great deal of pain with my eye.
Wednesday, September 10 1755
At home all day, very bad with an inflammation in my left eye. Paid for bread and butter 4d. Mrs Atkins and Mrs Hicks drank tea here.
Tuesday, September 9 1755
…This day gave Mr French a receipt on Mr Chatfield’s bill for nails and dated it I think the 28th July; but received no money of Mr French, it being to go to account. Lent Mr John Mugridge in silver 21/- and have entered it in my day book and likewise in a bill he had with other goods. Paid for flour 9¾d. Charles Diggens and Thomas Goldsmith here in the evening. At home all day.
Monday, September 8 1755
Rec’d of Thomas Prall 3 pieces of coarse hop-bagging at 21/- each. Rec’d of Rippington’s boys 6d for a week’s schooling… Paid Francis Smith by cash 0.9.7 ¾ and half a pound of gingerbread 1¼d together with 24.15.0 I sent him the 2nd instant in full for the money he paid for me in London last week as below:
Paid Messrs Margesson and Collison 25.0.0
Paid for a gammon of bacon, 14 lbs at 3½d 0.4.1½
Carriage 0.0.7½
At home all day and busy. Paid for bread 1d.