Wednesday, July 19 1758

This day about 1:30 we had a very remarkable shower of rain, for I conject for about 6 or 7 minutes I saw it rain extreme hard at about 40 rods distance, though at the same time we had none, and the boys that were at play before the door would often cry out that they played both in fine and wet weather. But at last the shower came over, and a very heavy one it was. We heard one clap of thunder, which I think was a pretty way off, by the interval of time which passed between the flash of lightning and the clap of thunder, but it was very loud… Mrs Coates and Mrs Atkins drank tea at our house in the afternoon. In the evening Mr Elless and I walked down to Mr Sam Gibbs’s when I bought his wool at 7½d per lb. We came home about 9:10, and sober. This is the 20th day on which it has rained successively. In the day read part of The Peerage of England–and in the forenoon; at work in my garden part of it.

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