Took physic; at home all day. Paid for a loin of lamb, 3½ lbs, 12d; paid for bread 1d.
Author: Thomas Turner
Saturday, August 2 1755
At home all day. Paid for bread and butter 3½d.
Friday, August 1 1755

Paid John Fitness 8/9 in full for 6 corn hooks. Paid for bread ½d. Between schooltime carried up to Thomas Fuller’s 6 lbs of 6d sugar. Went to Chiddingly after schooltime to look upon Mr Hicks’s wool. Bid him 6¾d per pound for it. Paid Francis Smith in cash 18/2, which with £12.7.0 sent him by his boy the 29th July is in all £13.5.2, which he paid for me in London, as under (to wit)
To Margesson & Co. £13.0.0
To Crowder & Co. in full £0.5.2
In the evening went down to Halland to look upon Mr Coates’s wool, which was all West-Country, and because I would not give him 7d per pound for it he huffed me prodigiously.
Thursday, July 31 1755
At home all day. Rec’d of Dame Smith at Laughton Common 9/6; remains due on her account 14/-. Sent home by her Thomas Cushman’s bill, amounting to 12/11¾. Paid for butter 6d. Read part of the 3rd volume of The Tatler. Wrote out two bills.
Wednesday, July 30 1755
At home all day. Paid for bread ½d. Left off school at 3:40. About 5 minutes before 4 my [wife] went to Whitesmith to see the mountebank. Bought a packet [of patent medicine] which cost her 12d. She came home about 10:45. Mr Taylor, Messrs Heywood and Blake’s man, called on me. I paid him by a draft I drew on Messrs Margesson and Collison for £4.11.0, 30 days’ date, in full.
Tuesday, July 29 1755
Sent Frank Smith by his boy £12.7.0 which he is to pay Messrs Margesson and Collison for me. Paid for cherries 4½d. Paid Master Piper 6/6 for 2 bushels of pale malt received the 28th instant. Gave a traveller and my schoolboy 1½d. Rec’d of Halland gardener 1 gallon of French beans which I am to pay 4d for. Paid Isfield miller’s man 5/- for a bushel of oatmeal received today.
Monday, July 28 1755
At home all day except going down to Halland in the evening with some goods.
Sunday, July 27 1755
At home all day. Not at church all day. Read part of Boyle’s Lectures and Smart’s poem on eternity and immensity. This day I turned my horse out to keeping at Mr French’s. Paid for 1 lb cherries 2d.
Saturday, July 26 1755
Rec’d of William Eldridge 3/2½ in full. Paid for butter 3d. In the afternoon Joseph Fuller and William Piper smoked a pipe with me. In the evening I went down to Mr French’s; bid him 7d a pound for his wool; stayed and smoked 2 pipes. Came home about 9.
Friday, July 25 1755
At home all day. Paid for bread 1½d. Lent John Vine Jr a guinea. This day the parish was confirmed at Lewes by the Rev Mr William Ashburnham, Bishop of Chichester; my maid went.