Paid Richard Jenner in cash 3.8.6½ on account of Francis Smith, he being to pay money for me in town, and paid Mr James Hutson in cash for Francis Smith 2.11.11. At home all day and busy. Mr Richard Comber called and dined with us and stayed till 5 o’clock. Two women from Waldron drank tea with us. Rec’d of William Horsecraft 6d in full for schooling.
Tag: school
Monday, October 6 1755
At home all day. Paid for bread 2d…. Nan Dallaway and Fanny Weller drank tea at our house. Our maid went to Blackboys Fair. Rec’d of Rippington’s boys 6d in full for schooling.
Monday, August 11 1755
At home all day. Nothing of moment. Paid for bread ½d. Mr Miller sent me for a present 4 pikes and one carp. This day the assizes at Lewes and only one prisoner. Gave a couple of travellers 1d. Read part of the 4th volume of The Tatler. Rec’d of Rippington’s boys 6d for a week’s schooling. Sent a 36/- piece by Goldsmith, Bonwick’s carter, to Tooth the gingerbread baker at Lewes.
Monday, August 4 1755
At home all day. In the morning about 6 o’clock Charles Diggens and Robert Rice called me up to take up a coat and waistcoat for Robert Rice. Charles Diggens took up a settoo coat for me, prime cost about k o c [?]. Paid for bread and butter 4½d. Marked up Collison’s parcel. Rec’d of Rippington’s boys 6d in full for a week’s schooling.
Wednesday, July 30 1755
At home all day. Paid for bread ½d. Left off school at 3:40. About 5 minutes before 4 my [wife] went to Whitesmith to see the mountebank. Bought a packet [of patent medicine] which cost her 12d. She came home about 10:45. Mr Taylor, Messrs Heywood and Blake’s man, called on me. I paid him by a draft I drew on Messrs Margesson and Collison for £4.11.0, 30 days’ date, in full.
Monday, July 21 1755
At home all day. Paid for butter 3d. My wife carried in Mr Coates’s bill, the balance of which was £5.15.8¾. Nothing more of moment. Rec’d of Rippington’s boys 6d in full for a week’s schooling.
Tuesday, July 15 1755
Sent Francis Smith by his boy £10 which he is to pay Mr John Crouch for me. Paid Master Elphick in cash 3/6 and in goods 6d, which together is 4/-, for bringing my hay from Framfield. Gave two of my scholars, for helping in with the hay, gingerbread value 2d. Paid for bread 2½d . At home all day. Mr Slater and Nanny came back from Lewes about 9:10. Mr Peter Martin called on me.
Monday, July 14 1755
About 3:45 I set out for Lewes; got there 4:50. Called Mr Stephen Fletcher, servant to Mr Samuel Ridings, and balanced accounts with him and paid him £16.14.0 by bill on Messrs Margesson and Collison, 30 days’ date, which with goods I have agreed to return, value £6.11.6, is in full to this day. I bought some goods of him and came home about 8:20. Spent 6d.
After dinner Mr Slater and Nanny set out for Lewes. Paid John Jones 2d for Mr Slater’s horse. At home all the day after the morning. This day was played in the Broyle a cricket match, Mayfield against Ringmer, Framfield and St John’s [in Lewes], which was won by Mayfield with ease. This day received of Rippington’s boys 6d in full for a week’s schooling, ended Saturday last.
Tuesday, July 8 1755
Mr Elliott from Warbleton called here in the morning to speak with Mr Collison. Mr Collison came about 10:30. Paid Mr John Collison in cash £27.10.6, which according to my account balances the cash account, and there remains due on the goods account £32.16.1. Mr Collison stayed and dined with me and went to Framfield about 2:10. Rec’d of Rippington’s boys 6d in full for one week’s schooling, due on Saturday last.
Tuesday, July 1 1755

This day paid Mr James Hutson £4.8.7 as I yesterday agreed with Frank Smith to do. Afterwards I balanced accounts with Mr Hutson and received of him £0.14.4, which with £1.4.0 I owed him makes £1.18.4, and is in full to this day, Joseph’s schooling excepted. Rec’d of Robert Hook 4/- for bottles of brandy. Paid Joseph Fuller 2d for a piece of mutton for broth. Rec’d of Rippington’s boys 6d for 1 week’s schooling, due on Saturday last.