Tuesday, October 12 1756

At home all day… Mrs Weller and her daughter Fanny, with young Mrs Vine, drank tea with us… After dinner sent my maid to Uckfield with a letter to Mr Charles Thornton, attorney at law, ([following] his calling at my house yesterday in my absence) to acquaint him that I am ready and willing at any time to give my security as overseer to Messrs John and Richard Savage for Tester’s debt, which is due to them and shall be payable next Easter, but if they reject my offer, to beg of him to stop further prosecution till after the 20th instant, when he should know the parish’s further resolutions, but, he being not at home, I had no answer. Gave Richard Fuller 12d for cleaning etc. of their mare I borrowed yesterday.

Monday, October 11 1756

In the morning my brother brought our horse over, which I had engaged to lend Master Weller, though I could very ill spare it, but as Master Weller is so civil as to let me have the use of his cellar I could do no less in gratitude than oblige him with the use of my horse… Mr Piper breakfasted with us, as did my brother. After breakfast borrowed a horse of Joseph Fuller to ride to Lewes upon to have my temple dressed. I got there about 12 o’clock, where I found Mr John Snelling in bed; he arose and dressed my temple with a pea in the same nature as an issue, and did, in a manner, ask me to dine with him, but his behavior was such as gave my imperious temper disgust, so I did not dine with him, but went and spent an hour or two at the White Horse with Mr Tucker. I came home about 6 o’clock, and, with eating nothing all day and drinking but little, yet I was somewhat in liquor. My brother stayed at my house until I came back, and dined with my family on the remains of yesterday’s dinner. My wife in my absence paid John Streeter 10d for 1 pair pattens received this day by him from Thomas Freeman. Spent in my whole journey 22d.

Sunday, October 10 1756

In the morning Dr Snelling came and ate some breakfast with us and afterwards opened one of the capillary arteries of my temple for the benefit of my eyes. I asked several people to assist Mr Snelling in doing it, but could get none till I asked Dame Durrant, who assisted in doing it. The artery lying deep, the operation was obliged to be performed with a dissecting knife. The first cut did not hurt greatly, but the incision not being big enough at the 1st cut, he was obliged to cut a second time, which hurt me very much. Mr Snelling did not stay, but went away very soon. Only our maid at church in the forenoon, who stayed the communion. My wife very ill. We dined on a leg of lamb boiled, a bouillis pudding, spinach and turnips. Our maid and my nephew at church in the afternoon, but neither myself nor wife. Thomas Davy spent the evening and supped at our house and read 2 of Tillotson’s sermons to us.

Friday, October 8 1756

Paid Mr Jeremiah French in cash 12/- and, by 12 lbs sugar, 5/-, which together make 17/- in full for the money paid to the poor on Sunday last…. Dr Snelling called on me, but did not stay… Mr Elless drank tea with us. At home all day and but very little to a do. In the evening read one of Tillotson’s sermons, which I think a very good one. Oh! may the God of all goodness give me grace to mind what I read, that the same may sink deep into my heart and mind, and that I may every day become a better Christian. Oh! how weak and feeble are my best resolutions –[35 words omitted]… Daily and hourly do I sin, my own righteousness being but filthy rags–[50 words omitted]…and may the God of all goodness pour into my heart his holy spirit that I may live by faith and not rely on my own works, which are vain, and that I may work out my salvation with fear and trembling.

Thursday, October 7 1756

…Dame Vinal and Peggy drank tea with us. Paid Mr John Mugridge… 11.19.9, in full for the same sum paid to Messrs Margesson and Collison for my use by Mr George Tomlin (5th Oct.) for hops which he sold for John Mugridge. Borrowed in cash of Mrs Virgoe £10 and gave her my note of hand for it, dated today, payable to her or bearer on demand. At home all day. My brother came over…but did not stay. In the evening read part of one of Tillotson’s sermons.

Tuesday, October 5 1756

…My brother came over in the forenoon for the mare and for a basket bouillis. Rec’d of him 16/- for his share of the 2 shares of the 2 lottery tickets I bought. Will Burrage at work for me in the forenoon a-picking up of apples etc. Dame Vinal at washing all day, and both dined with us… In the morning wrote out about [¾]d worth of paper in land tax receipts for Mr Piper and Mr French, but they neither paid for the paper nor thanked me for the trouble. But there, I’ll suppose it was want of knowing better. Paid my brother 2/- for a Bible I had of my mother on Sunday.

Monday, October 4 1756

This day Thomas Roase and Catharine Clarke were married at our church and are, I believe, an old maid and an old bachelor. Paid John Streeter the post 2/- for the watch I received from him for Driver… Dame Vinal a-washing half the day for us. Paid Dame Trill 8/-; viz., 3/- in full for keeping Ann Braizer, due today, and 5/- for their monthly pay, due yesterday, Mr French paying all the other poor for me yesterday, which I am indebted to him for as under:

To Edward Babcock0.4.0
To Ann Woodo.4.0
To Widow Pilfold0.6.0
To Dame Streeter for doing for do.0.3.0

Dame Martin and Dame Trill drank tea with us. Thomas Davy sat with us a while in the evening… At home all day and very busy.

Sunday, October 3 1756

In the morning my wife, self and nephew went over to Framfield where we arrived about 7:50. My wife and my mother’s whole family (except my sister and myself) at church in the morning. We dined on a roast pig. My wife and I neither at church in the afternoon. We drank tea at my mother’s and came home about 7:40. Rec’d of Robert Driver Jr 2/-, which I am to pay to the post for a watch he left me, and which I delivered to Robert Driver. My wife very ill all day…