Thursday, August 12 1756

In the morning Mr Jeremiah French and myself signed a certificate for Edward and Mary Gibbs to the Parish of Wittersham in the Isle of Oxney in the County of Kent. It was attested by Thomas Prall and John Streeter. It was dated the 10th of August, and Streeter carried it with him to Lewes to have it signed. In the forenoon posted my day book and wrote out several bills… At home all day. Paid Halland gardener 20d for cucumbers sold for him and for ½ bushel of peas bought of him for my mother, which she has had and paid me for. Read part of Hervey’s Theron and Aspasio. My brother Moses drank tea here.

Tuesday, August 10 1756

At home all the day. William Burrage at work for me. We dined on the remains of Sunday’s dinner with the addition of a piece of pork and carrots. Paid Dame Trill 3/- in full for keeping Ann Brazier to yesterday. Paid a carter 6d for bringing some things from Lewes for me. I yesterday and today endeavoured to borrow some bottles of Mr Atkins and Mrs Fuller, and also Mr Porter, but they could not lend me any though I have lent them some several times. Oh, ingratitude, thou blackest of fiends!

Monday, August 9 1756

At home all day. My brother came over and dined with us on the remains of yesterday’s dinner. After dinner he went to Lewes for me to endeavor to get in some debts for me. He went to Hammond’s, Cooper’s, Wittersham’s and Warren’s, but could not get one farthing. Came back about 7 o’clock. He spent 6d which I paid him again. My wife went up to Mr John Vine’s to get him to stop 3/- which is owing to me by Stephen Clinch, who is now a-haying for Mr Vine, and he assured my wife he would certainly stop it. My wife stayed and drank tea there and came home about 5:30. I paid John Lewer 18/3 for a crock of butter weighing 36½ lbs for Mr Isaac Hook of Lewes… William Burrage the younger at work for me all day.

Sunday, August 8 1756

In the morning got up, and I with Thomas Durrant went up to Master Piper’s for some butter. Paid 6d for a pound. Called at John Vine’s for a 1d milk. Just before churchtime my mother and brother and Mr Beard and his wife came in, and they with myself and nephew went to church… They all dined at our house on 2 roasted ducks (of our own breed), a piece of bacon, a leg of mutton, cauliflowers and carrots, with a currant pond pudding boiled. They stayed and drank tea at our house, as did John Vine Jr and his wife, and all went away about 7 o’clock. Our maid at church in the afternoon.

After they were gone, read one of Tillotson’s sermons wherein he shows the method and instructions for keeping a truly religious fast, and which I think an excellent sermon. I also read the Bishop of London’s letter to the clergy and inhabitants of the cities of London and Westminster, written in the year 1750 on occasion of the 2 shocks of an earthquake felt in the two cities in the same year. He exhorts all degrees and ages of mankind to amend their lives and return unto the Lord their God. I think it a very good thing. It seems to be written with that earnestness of spirit as becomes one who has the care of so many souls committed to his charge…

Saturday, August 7 1756

At home all the morning. My brother dined at our house on beans and pork. After dinner he and I set out for Lewes, both on one horse. My business was to borrow £40 of Mr Rideout on my mother’s account, but could not. Drank tea at Mr Hook’s. I was in company with my uncle Hill at the White Horse where he informed me that Mr George Beard and his wife intended to come and dine with me tomorrow. As Mr Hill, Mr John Fuller, Mr Atkins and myself sat a-drinking, Mr Hill and John Fuller laid the following bet: provided John Fuller is not married before Xmas next, he is to give Mr Hill a fore-quarter of beef weighing 20 stone. And if he is married before Xmas next, then Mr Hill is to give Mr Fuller £4 [twice the price] for a fore-quarter of beef of 20 stone. I called on Mr Hutchins, William Ditch and T. Peckham for some money, but could not get a farthing. Spent 10½ for horse, turnpike and all. Came home about 9 o’clock.

Friday, August 6 1756

At home all the morning. About 11 o’clock walked over to Framfield. Dined at my mother’s on bread and butter and biscuit… After dinner Moses and I walked down to Mr John Smith’s of Hempstead in order to look at his wool, but he not being at home, we looked at it but did not buy it. Came back and drank tea at my mother’s, and my brother and I came home together on horseback about 7 o’clock. My brother stayed about 30 minutes and carried home Peter Adams’ clothes.

Wednesday, August 4 1756

Mr Collison went away immediately as soon as he got up. My brother stayed and breakfasted with us and went home immediately. William Burrage at work again today. About 12 o’clock Peter Adams called on me to go with him to Ringmer in order to see the people who were eye-witnesses of his abuse on Whitsun Tuesday, which I accordingly did. We found James Carter, John Mitchel, David Tippings and Dorothy Presnal, all eyewitnesses of his and my abuse, which they say was very great and in their opinion insufferable. We called at John Martin’s, William Dicker’s, T. Peckham’s and Francis Turner’s. I spent 12d. Mr Adams (though I went in a manner purely to oblige him) could not agree very well for going out in a hurry. I went without any money in my pockets and upon that account got him to pay 3d for me, upon which he very tauntingly asked me whether my wife would not let me carry any money in my pockets for fear I should either lend him some or pay some for him. So one word rose to another until I fairly brought him under. After we came home, I went down with his horse in company with Mr Elless. Came home about 10 o’clock. My family dined on peas and bacon.