Thursday, December 4 1755

At home all day. Paid William Piper… in full of all I owe Mr Piper except 6½ bushels malt received the 26 November and a crock of butter received today. In the evening papered up about 90 papers of tobacco. Delivered to Josias Smith his bill, amounting to 1.18.3¼, which I am to outset with Francis Smith when I balance with him. Josias Smith supped here. After supper I read part of Tournefort’s Voyage into the Levant.

Tuesday, December 2 1755

Paid Francis Smith in cash 7/-, which…makes the money I have paid him in all 47.8.0 and is in full for the money he has paid for me in London as (under):

To Mr Thomas Calverley & Son in full paid on the 13th November 8.11.0

On the 20th November to Mr Read in full for Mr Gilmore of Battle, powder maker 3.10.0

a ditto on the 20th to Messrs Margesson and Collinson 25.0.0

ditto on the 26th to Mr John Crouch          10.0.0

ditto for 2 gallons of brandy                0.7.0

I also gave him £10 which he is to pay in London for me this week. I ordered Messrs Margesson and Collison to pay Messrs Neal & Daker — [left blank] in full. This day Mr Vine Sr sent me a loin of pork; I gave the boy that brought it 6d. At home all day; marked up a parcel that came from Messrs Grant, Barlow and Wigginton on Saturday last. In the evening read part of the 3rd volume of Tournefort’s Voyage into the Levant.

Sunday, November 30 1755

In the morning I got up and went to Mrs Day’s to invite her and Miss Suky to dinner with us and breakfasted with her. While they were at church in the forenoon, Samuel and Nanny Slater went home. My brother Moses came to see us while they were at church and he, Mrs Day and Miss Suky dined with us on a hare, a piece of boiled beef and turnips and a bread pudding. After dinner Charles Diggens came in. Mrs Day and Miss Suky and my wife went to church and came back and drank tea. Mrs Day and Miss Suky went home about 5:25. Charles Diggens and my brother Moses stayed till about 7:15 and both went home a little merry. Paid for bread 2d.

Saturday, November 29 1755

At home all day. Mr Edward Miller sent me a present of a hare. Gave the boy that brought it 12d. Samuel Slater Jr came in a little after dinner for Nanny Slater. Master Piper drank tea with us; I paid him 2.17.0 in part for money paid to Messrs Margesson and Collison on my account by Messrs Swainstone and Hedges. Paid Master Piper 6/8 for the 2 bushels of malt received the 30th of September last, which is in full except 6½ bushels malt and the remainder of the above money. I wrote the banns of marriage for Master Piper to be published in the church tomorrow between himself and his servant Mary Denmall… Gave Henry Vine for going to Framfield in the morning for me 3d. Paid John Watford Sr 3d for a bundle of straw. Paid for milk ½d. Busy all day. Samuel Slater and I spent the evening together at my own house. About 10:15 Master John Mugridge came in and stayed until 12:05. I rec’d of him in cash 2.10.4¾, which 1s in full to this day. Samuel Slater brought me 2 fine rabbits for a present.