Thursday, September 25 1755

To send for next week as under:

3 prs boys! worsted at 10d, 12d and 11d

6 prs pink and red yarn at r*

6 prs boys’ welsh at 1

6 prs men’s worsted at 20d

1 woman’s shroud hca and nca*

2 men’s ditto nea *

2 sheets nca *

1 boy’s ock & oca * Paid Mrs Virgoe 7/6, which with 5/- paid her the 17th instant ls in full for the 12/6 borrowed of her the 12th instant. Paid for bread 1d. George Richardson called on us in his way to Dallington. Wrote to Edward Russell for the balance of his account. Moses came over in the afternoon. Rec’d of Joseph Fuller Jr 1.4.5 in full for a greatcoat. Paid for 2 stone of beef 4/-. Paid for butter 3d. Joseph Fuller stayed and smoked a pipe in the evening. My wife read the 20th and 21st numbers of The Guardian to me, which I think extremely good, the first of which shows how indispensable a duty forgiveness is and the last how much mankind must be delighted with the prospect of the happiness of a future state.

*abbreviation unknown

Monday, September 22 1755

Paid Francis Smith in cash 11.13.3 for money he paid for me in London as under:

To Otway                                  10.0.0

To Stiller in full,                      1 4 0

Pd tor 1 pr shoes and 1 pr pumps        0.9.3

Gave Francis Smith in cash £10 in part of money he is to pay in London for me this week. Doctor Snelling called on me and ordered a poultice of conserve of roses, and about 6 gr of camphor in each poultice, to be laid to my eye, with purging twice a week with sal glabuler [Glauber salts] and manna. George Richardson called on me. I gave him 1¼ yds silk and silk to have a bonnet made, all value n c o [?]. Mrs Diggens called on us. Moses came over after dinner to see us. Paid for bread etc. 2½d. Very busy all day. Thomas Nicholls at work for me today.

Saturday, September 20 1755

At home all day. Paid for 18 lbs of worsted 1.19.0 and for a wrapper 18d, which I bought of one Robins of Cranbrook in his road from the Fair to Cranbrook. Mr Slater, my brother Moses and Nicholls dined here. Mr Slater went away about 6 o’clock. My mother sent me by Moses in cash £12, which is in full for my draft No. 249, which I drew for her the 15th of August. Paid Moses 18d for 6 dairy brushes he bought for me at Lewes. Rec’d of Robert Hook 1 pr shoes, 5/6. Rec’d of Joseph Fuller 1 breast mutton 8½d.

Tuesday, September 16 1755

At home all day. My blister did not rise at all; my eye much the same. Sent Francis Smith by his man 40/-, which with £18 I paid him the 14th instant is in full for £20 which he paid unto Messrs Margesson and Collison for me last week. Moses came over again to see me. Nicholls at work for me today. This day balanced accounts with William Sinden and, with an iron-bound pail now had, there remains due to me 0.13.0¾ as below:

My bill on Sinden                         1.19.4¾

Sinden’s bill on me for flour etc.      1.8.9

Iron-hooped pail                          0.2.4

In the evening another blister laid on. Paid John Saxby for a forehead comb which he got at Lewes for me, 2d. Paid for bread and bagging 2d. Rec’d of Robert Hook 1 pr shoes, 5/6.