At home all day and busy. Paid for part of a neck veal weight 4 lbs, l4d. Rec’d of Joseph Fuller 3 tod 20 lbs of wool at 7d, 3.7.8. Rec’d of Richard Carter by wool and money 5/- in full for making a bond for him in April last. This day weighed of my wool; to wit, 334 fleeces, weight 20 tod 20 lbs, which I have sold to Messrs Reeder, Cox & Co. at 19/- per ton. Paid for butter 3d. This day I left Mr Samuel Virgoe’s shop and I owe him l¼ years’ rent, 12/6. Paid Francis Smith… in full for money he paid this week in town for me [including] … for stamping Samuel Elphick’s indentures, 0.3.6… Rec’d of Mrs Mary Virgoe the 27/ lent her the 8th instant. My brother Moses came over and helped me pack my wool.
Category: Uncategorised
Friday, October 9 1755
Paid for 6 whitings 3d. Paid Dame Cornwell for 1 pr white yarn hose 3/-. Moses came over and drank tea with us and stayed till 7 o’clock. Thomas Davy came and stayed the evening til1 10 o’clock. We played at cribbage. I won 1d.
Thursday, Oct 9 1755
Lent Mr Richard Stone, doctor, in cash 5.5.0, for which he gave me his note of hand… This day gave Henry Vine 2d for going to Framfield. This day wrote an agreement between John Watford Jr and Sarah Thunder, wherein she hires part of John Watford’s house at 5/- per quarter, to be paid quarterly, and she to pay the window tax. On failure of her paying it quarterly, she is to go out of it at a quarter’s notice. N.B.: she is to enter upon it the 11th instant. My brother Moses came over after dinner and stayed till 5 o’clock. He drank tea with us. At home all day and busy. My wife very bad with the rheumatism. Paid John Cayley 6.6.6 in full for the bill I received of him the 24th September 1755 on Weeks, for which I gave him my note of hand, but now took in.
Wednesday, October 8 1755
At home all day and busy. Mr Bridgman and his daughter drank tea here. Lent Mrs Mary Virgoe in cash 27/-.
Tuesday, October 7 1755
Paid Richard Jenner in cash 3.8.6½ on account of Francis Smith, he being to pay money for me in town, and paid Mr James Hutson in cash for Francis Smith 2.11.11. At home all day and busy. Mr Richard Comber called and dined with us and stayed till 5 o’clock. Two women from Waldron drank tea with us. Rec’d of William Horsecraft 6d in full for schooling.
Monday, October 6 1755
At home all day. Paid for bread 2d…. Nan Dallaway and Fanny Weller drank tea at our house. Our maid went to Blackboys Fair. Rec’d of Rippington’s boys 6d in full for schooling.
Sunday, October 5 1755
At home all day. Not at church. Read part of the new Whole Duty of Man. This day my wife and I had appointed to go to Lewes together, but were prevented by the badness of the weather.
Saturday, October 4 1755
Paid for bread 1d. At home all day and busy. Paid Francis Smith as under:
for 4 red cabbages 0.0.8
ditto 1 peck onions 0.0.8
ditto potatoes 0.0.10
all for Mrs Day except 2 of the cabbages. Paid Joseph Durrant 7/6 in full for my window tax for the year 1754.
Friday, October 3 1755
Got up in the morning about 6 o’clock. Bought my Manchester goods at Mr Hook’s…. Paid Mr William English 10d for grinding 5 razors. Met with Mr George Beard at Lewes today. Paid for my horse 11d. Gave the maid 3d. Save the ostler 3d. Paid for ⅓ of a pint of wine and water 5d. Paid for 10 whitings 3d. Paid for the turnpike 2d. Came home about 1:40. Rec’d of William Sinden ½ bushel wheat. My brother dined with us
Thursday, October 2 1755
Gave Henry Vine 2d for going over to Framfield. About 5 o’clock my brother Moses came and called me to go to Lewes to meet the Manchesterman. Rec’d of Mr Isaac Hook 1.1.0 in full. Spent the evening in part at Mr Hook’s, Mr Scrase’s, and part at the White Horse. Paid 2d for the turnpike. Paid for supper and wine 12d, went to bed about 12 o’clock.