In the morning rode down to John Cayley’s to look upon his hops. In the forenoon rode down to Mr French’s. In the forenoon my brother came over and stayed and dined with me… In the afternoon went down to Mr Porter’s and screwed down their child’s coffin. From thence I went down to Mr French’s and served their son’s funeral. Came back to Mr Porter’s and attended their child to church, and then went and met the other corpse and attended that to church, and came home about 6:45. In the evening wrote my London letters.
Sunday, September 13 1761
In the morning one of my servants went to see her friends. Myself only at church in the morning… I dined on a piece of beef boiled and two chickens roasted, carrots and cabbage. In the afternoon myself and servant at church…
Sam Jenner came home with me and drank tea with me, to whom I read part of Young’s Night Thoughts. In the evening read two of Tillotson’s sermons. Oh, how impossible it is for my pen to describe or even (I think) imagination to paint my unpleasant situation: not a friend with whom I can spend one pleasant hour; my affairs at sixes and sevens; my expenses very high; trade dull; and no prospect of any amendment.
Saturday, September 12 1761
Down at Mrs Browne’s twice today. I dined on the remains of yesterday’s dinner with the addition of some French beans. Paid Thomas Fuller by William Burrage 6/8 for 1 dozen of candles received by him today. Dame Cornwell Jr drank tea with me.
In the evening Joseph Fuller Jr smoked a pipe with me, and in the evening I wrote my London letters. Oh, how dull my trade, and melancholy my situation.
Friday, September 11 1761
In the forenoon walked down to Mr French’s, and also in the forenoon my brother came over and we both rode to Lewes. I dined at Mr Madgwick’s on a piece of pork, greens and a plain pudding… In the evening walked down to Mrs Browne’s. Paid Ben Shelley in cash 20.2.6 in full as under:
The 10th instant. To cash paid Mr William Margesson on my account | 20.0.0 |
Paid for carriage etc. for a puppy for Mr Sam Gibbs | 0.2.6 |
My brother came home with me, but did not stay… Oh, melancholy time — trade was never so dull nor money so scarce… [19 words omitted]… But let [??], let me patiently submit to the ways of providence.
Thursday, September 10 1761
…In the afternoon I walked up to Mrs Piper’s and measured a piece of land. In the evening Joseph Fuller Jr and I walked down to Jones’s, where I spent 6d. We came home about 8:30. Dame Burfield at Laughton drank tea with me.
About noon died a little boy of Mr Porter’s (an infant of about 9 months old) and in the evening died John French (aged 18 years) after an illness of near 6 months.
Wednesday, September 9 1761
…At home all day, and I think I hardly ever knew so dull a time for trade in my life. Paid Thomas Fuller by William Burrage 3/4 for 6 lbs of candles received by him today.
Tuesday, September 8 1761
…In the evening Joseph Fuller Jr smoked a pipe with me; at home all day and but very little to do. What will become of me? — no trade, and great expenses — Sure my situation is truly deplorable.
Monday, September 7 1761
In the forenoon my brother came over and gave me in cash £20 for which I gave him in return 1 bill on Mr Will Margesson… My friend George Richardson called on me and dined with me… He stayed with me till about 4 o’clock… In the evening Sam Jenner and myself posted Mrs Browne’s carpenter’s book. At home all day and but very little to do. Rec’d by Richard Page 12 sacks of salt.
Sunday, September 6 1761
In the morning my friend George Richardson called on me and he, together with Mr Hastings, breakfasted with me and then went away. Myself and one servant at church in the morning, where we had a sermon preached by the Rev Mr Chalice, curate of Ripe (Mr Porter preaching at Ripe) from the 6th verse of the 71st Psalm: “By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother’s bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee.”
Sam Jenner dined with me on a piece of beef boiled, six pigeons roasted, a raisin suet pudding, carrots and cabbage. After dinner we walked to Little Horsted Church, where we heard a sermon preached by the Rev Mr Philips, curate of Maresfield and Horsted, from Philippians 1:23,24: “For I am in a strait betwixt the two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you.” The gentleman whom we heard appears to be not more then 20 years of age, though I suppose he is about 26. I think I never heard a finer churchman in my life, he being a good orator, and delivered an extreme good sermon, both for beauty of language and piety of thought.
From Horsted we walked to Framfield where we drank tea with my brother, who brought us going on our road home. I came home about 7:40. In the evening I read one of Tillotson’s sermons.
Saturday, September 5 1761
…In the afternoon a gentleman whose name was Hastings and a humble servant of my servant’s drank tea with me and stayed all night. He brought me a present of some pigeons… At home all day and pretty busy, but mostly set down. I hourly am truly sensible of my loss.