Wednesday, August 18 1756

After breakfast went up to Mr John Vine’s to ask him to balance accounts, but he was not at home. Paid Joseph Fuller 6d for 2 lbs of skirts. My brother dined with us on a beef pudding and some carrots. After dinner Mr John Vine called on me and promised me to balance soon, and I bespoke of him 2 hundreds of faggots. Dame Martin of Whitesmith drank tea with us. In the evening Mr Jordan and Mr Slade called on me. I gave Mr James Jordan a bill on Messrs Margesson and Collison for 6.2.0…in full.

Tuesday, August 17 1756

At home all day. A very wet day continually; there was a storm of thunder and lightning in the night from about 12 o’clock to 3 in the morning. We dined on a piece of pork, carrots and apple pudding. This day balanced accounts with Francis Smith and paid him in cash £4… After we had balanced, I gave him in cash £8, which he is to pay in London for me. This night our maid sat up with Joseph Mepham. Sent Mr Leander Cox a letter wherein I offered him my wool at 21/- per tod delivered in London, or, if he thought it too dear when he saw it, to give but 20/- per tod and pay the carriage–I mean mine and my mother’s wool.

Monday, August 16 1756

Breakfasted with my brother and spent the forenoon with him, and also dined with him on a hind quarter of lamb roasted and French beans with a bread pudding. We came away about 3 o’clock, and called at my Aunt Ovendean’s, drank tea and came home about 8:35. My brother came again this morning, and stayed until we came home, but then went home immediately. My brother and maid dined on the remains of Saturday’s dinner. Spent in the whole about 12/-. This day the assizes began at East Grinstead before Mr Justice Birch and Mr Baron Legge. Bought at the Wells Locke On Human Understanding, which cost me 4/6, and Mead On Poisons, which cost me 4/-, but did not bring them away because he was to send them me by the news man.

Sunday, August 15 1756

In the morning we got up about 5 o’clock and breakfasted at my brother’s. And then my wife, Sally, T. Davy and myself set out for the [Methodist] camp on Cox Heath where we arrived about 11 o’clock, just as they were all got to their devotions; to wit, 12 congregations and 1000 in each congregation. They seemed to be very attentive at their devotion, and the minister seemed to have a fine delivery. I think the camp as fine a sight as I ever saw. We went from the camp to Maidstone where we dined at the Bird-in-hand, together with many more, on a piece of fine boiled beef, carrots and cabbage and a fore-quarter of lamb roasted and French beans. We stayed till about 3 o’clock, came home by the camp and got to the Wells about 9 o’clock. Supped and spent the evening at my brother’s, as did Edward Smith. My brother Moses went home in the morning…

Saturday, August 14 1756

In the morning took up Mr French’s coat and waistcoat. Fanny Weller being here to help my wife sew an hour or two, she and her mother breakfasted with us. Paid James Fieldcox of Battle 1.2.6 in full for the goods this day received from him as under:

2 doz Women’s pattens0.18.0
1 doz do. clogs0.4.6

Fanny Weller dined with us on a piece of bacon, carrots and some cauliflowers, with a fine trout which was given us this day by Thomas Davy. This day received of John Streeter the 10/6 I lent him the 24th of July. About 3 o’clock my brother Moses came over to stand the shop for me whilst my wife and I went to the Wells. Accordingly about 3:05 my wife and I set out for Tunbridge Wells in company with Thomas Davy. We called at my Aunt Ovendean’s at Boarshead and stayed about 30 minutes. We got to the Wells about 6:50. We drank tea at my brother’s and then took a walk about the Wells. Saw Edward Smith. My wife lodged at my brother’s and I and T. Davy at the Angel. We went to bed about 11 o’clock. My brother stayed all night. Rec’d by Streeter the certificate sent by him on Thursday, which is signed by J. Bridger and T. Fuller.

Thursday, August 12 1756

In the morning Mr Jeremiah French and myself signed a certificate for Edward and Mary Gibbs to the Parish of Wittersham in the Isle of Oxney in the County of Kent. It was attested by Thomas Prall and John Streeter. It was dated the 10th of August, and Streeter carried it with him to Lewes to have it signed. In the forenoon posted my day book and wrote out several bills… At home all day. Paid Halland gardener 20d for cucumbers sold for him and for ½ bushel of peas bought of him for my mother, which she has had and paid me for. Read part of Hervey’s Theron and Aspasio. My brother Moses drank tea here.

Tuesday, August 10 1756

At home all the day. William Burrage at work for me. We dined on the remains of Sunday’s dinner with the addition of a piece of pork and carrots. Paid Dame Trill 3/- in full for keeping Ann Brazier to yesterday. Paid a carter 6d for bringing some things from Lewes for me. I yesterday and today endeavoured to borrow some bottles of Mr Atkins and Mrs Fuller, and also Mr Porter, but they could not lend me any though I have lent them some several times. Oh, ingratitude, thou blackest of fiends!

Monday, August 9 1756

At home all day. My brother came over and dined with us on the remains of yesterday’s dinner. After dinner he went to Lewes for me to endeavor to get in some debts for me. He went to Hammond’s, Cooper’s, Wittersham’s and Warren’s, but could not get one farthing. Came back about 7 o’clock. He spent 6d which I paid him again. My wife went up to Mr John Vine’s to get him to stop 3/- which is owing to me by Stephen Clinch, who is now a-haying for Mr Vine, and he assured my wife he would certainly stop it. My wife stayed and drank tea there and came home about 5:30. I paid John Lewer 18/3 for a crock of butter weighing 36½ lbs for Mr Isaac Hook of Lewes… William Burrage the younger at work for me all day.