Tuesday, July 15 1755

Sent Francis Smith by his boy £10 which he is to pay Mr John Crouch for me. Paid Master Elphick in cash 3/6 and in goods 6d, which together is 4/-, for bringing my hay from Framfield. Gave two of my scholars, for helping in with the hay, gingerbread value 2d. Paid for bread 2½d . At home all day. Mr Slater and Nanny came back from Lewes about 9:10. Mr Peter Martin called on me.

Monday, July 14 1755

About 3:45 I set out for Lewes; got there 4:50. Called Mr Stephen Fletcher, servant to Mr Samuel Ridings, and balanced accounts with him and paid him £16.14.0 by bill on Messrs Margesson and Collison, 30 days’ date, which with goods I have agreed to return, value £6.11.6, is in full to this day. I bought some goods of him and came home about 8:20. Spent 6d.

After dinner Mr Slater and Nanny set out for Lewes. Paid John Jones 2d for Mr Slater’s horse. At home all the day after the morning. This day was played in the Broyle a cricket match, Mayfield against Ringmer, Framfield and St John’s [in Lewes], which was won by Mayfield with ease. This day received of Rippington’s boys 6d in full for a week’s schooling, ended Saturday last.

Sunday, July 15 1755

At church in the morning; the text, the 12th chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews, l4th verse: “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” At church in the afternoon; the text, 3rd chapter Matthew, 17th verse: “And lo a voice from heaven, saying, this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” After churchtime my wife and I went to Mr William Piper’s. I there received of Thomas Braizer the 21/- I lent him the 9th instant. Mr Slater came there to us. We stayed and drank tea. Came home about 8 o’clock. Found Ann Slater at our house. Read the first book of Paradise Lost between churchtimes went to bed about 11:25.

Saturday, July 12 1755

This day sold Mr Blackwell of Hawkhurst all my white rags at 27/- per hundred, and bought of him 12 couple of white pound and half-pound paper, 8 reams of midd[ling?] hand ditto at 4/-, 2 reams of brown cap and 1 ream of 2 lb ditto at 4/3. Paid Joseph Fuller 21d for a leg of mutton weight 6 lbs. Paid Mr Bulcock £3.7.8 in full for Messrs Masfen’s, the last parcel only excepted. He stayed and drank tea here. Paid Mrs Atkins in goods, 5/6, being in full for a crock of butter of 11 lbs which I sold for her. Paid for ½ lb butter and bread 3½ d. At home all day and very busy. Received of cooper Hammond 1 6-bushel bucking tub, £0.15.0.

Tuesday, July 8 1755

Mr Elliott from Warbleton called here in the morning to speak with Mr Collison. Mr Collison came about 10:30. Paid Mr John Collison in cash £27.10.6, which according to my account balances the cash account, and there remains due on the goods account £32.16.1. Mr Collison stayed and dined with me and went to Framfield about 2:10. Rec’d of Rippington’s boys 6d in full for one week’s schooling, due on Saturday last.