At home all day. Paid Thomas Balcombe for Wi1liam Funnell in goods l/- for 2 hundred of bricks received this day by Thomas Balcombe’s wagon. This day Thomas Tester’s wife brought me 2 carp for a present; gave her about 1 1b lump sugar and 6 fish hooks, value about 9d. Paid for bread and milk ld.
Category: Uncategorised
Wednesday, Jul 9 1755
Reced of Tho. Darby Senr £3.4.6 on Acct. Reced of John Lewer £0.10.8 in full. Reced of Tho. Simmonds £0.14.10½ and remains due to me 20s. Lent Tho. Braizer in cash 21s. Paid Mr George Thawyer £1.0.3 in full he drank tea with me at home all day.
[transcript from original – superscript missing]
Tuesday, July 8 1755
Mr Elliott from Warbleton called here in the morning to speak with Mr Collison. Mr Collison came about 10:30. Paid Mr John Collison in cash £27.10.6, which according to my account balances the cash account, and there remains due on the goods account £32.16.1. Mr Collison stayed and dined with me and went to Framfield about 2:10. Rec’d of Rippington’s boys 6d in full for one week’s schooling, due on Saturday last.
Monday, July 7 1755
At home all day and busy. Rec’d of Gift Durrant 4/- on her mother’s account. Rec’d of Dame Pilbull 2/- in full. Paid Halland gardener 17d in full for cucumbers sold for him.
Sunday, July 6 1755
At church in the morning; the text, 5th chapter Job, 6th and 7th verses: “Although affliction cometh not forth of the dust, neither does trouble spring out of the ground; Yet man is born unto trouble as the sparks fly upward.” Not at church in the afternoon; obliged to make the window and land tax books.
Saturday, July 5 1755
At home all day, busy. Lucy Durrant and James Hutchens drank tea with us. Mr French, Piper, Fuller and Durrant here in the evening to get me to make the land and window tax books against Monday morning. This day I heard of my late servant George Beard of Chailey being married to his servant. Paid for a shoulder of mutton, 6 lbs, 21d.
Friday, July 4 1755
Paid Joseph Fuller 2d for a piece of mutton for broth. Nothing more of moment.
Thursday, July 3 1755
At home all day. Paid Mr Daniel Speed 30/- in full. Nothing more of moment.
Wednesday, July 2 1755
Rec’d of Mr Thomas Osborne 3/5½ in full. Posted my day book; and nothing more of moment.
Tuesday, July 1 1755

This day paid Mr James Hutson £4.8.7 as I yesterday agreed with Frank Smith to do. Afterwards I balanced accounts with Mr Hutson and received of him £0.14.4, which with £1.4.0 I owed him makes £1.18.4, and is in full to this day, Joseph’s schooling excepted. Rec’d of Robert Hook 4/- for bottles of brandy. Paid Joseph Fuller 2d for a piece of mutton for broth. Rec’d of Rippington’s boys 6d for 1 week’s schooling, due on Saturday last.