Friday, June 4 17556

In the morning at work in my garden. Very busy in the shop all the forenoon. Fieldcox of Battle came round with some pattens and clogs I bought of him for which I paid him 0.11.3… We dined on the remains of Tuesday’s dinner with the addition of a plain batter pudding. In the afternoon busy a-gardening. In the evening Francis Elless here.

Thursday, June 3 1756

In the morning Crowhurst brought my earthenware, for which I paid him 3.16.3½. Borrowed in cash of Mr Jeremiah French 2.2.0. Very busy all the morning a-setting the earthenware to rights. We dined on the remains of Tuesday’s dinner with the addition of the 10 plaice bought yesterday. In the afternoon I was very busy a-gardening. In the evening my brother Moses came over; he was not very well. In the evening read Tillotson’s 19th sermon. Paid John Streeter 6d in part for bringing a parcel from Lewes, and for 6 lemons, and there remains 6d more due to him. Sent Joseph Mepham some dinner. In the evening Francis Elless the schoolmaster at our house a-learning the contracted division of decimals

Tuesday, June 1 1756

My father Slater went away this morning before we were up. Dame Vinal here a-washing all day. We dined on a leg of pork boiled, a gooseberry pudding and greens. Paid Master Piper 7/6 in full for window tax to Lady Day last… Paid Dame Vinal 9d for washing l day and ½. Master Burrage and his boy sticked my peas for me in the evening and supped with us. Sent by Francis Smith to Forest Row, in order to go to Hartfield, the horse received of Mr Bachelor the 13th of March, he not suiting my purpose. At home all day.

Monday, May 31 1756

After breakfast my father Slater and I parted, he going to Lewes and I to Bayley’s Lane where I bought some earthenware both for myself and mother. Came back again about 12 o’clock. Dame Vinal here a-washing for us half the day. We dined on a piece of pork and greens and cold eel pie. Dame Mott and her husband drank tea with us. Saw in the Lewes. Newspaper of this day that on Saturday last there were several explosions heard in the bowels of the earth like an earthquake in the parishes of Waldron and Hellingly, as also by one person in this parish. About 9:30 my father Slater came back from Lewes to our house and stayed all night. He made my wife a present of a guinea and paid for my fire grate etc. at Lewes, which amounting to 2.2.0 and added together, makes a very pretty present.

Sunday, May 30 1756

My wife, self and maid at church in the forenoon; the text in Luke 12:21: So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.” We dined on cold eel pie and green salad. My wife, self and maid at church in the afternoon; the text the same as in the forenoon. After churchtime my wife and I went up to Mrs Day’s and drank tea there. After tea I stayed and smoked two pipes and came home about 9 o’clock where we found my father Slater; he supped with us and stayed all night. Read the 13th, l4th, 15th and 16th of Tillotson’s sermons. Molly Fuller drank tea with us at Mrs Day’s.

Saturday, May 29 1756

In the morning went up to Mr John Vine Jr’s to borrow his horse to go to Bayley’s Lane upon. But he had ridden out with him. Very busy all the forenoon… After dinner I carried up to Joseph Fuller’s some cotton gowns for Mrs Fuller to choose one out of, but did not stay. Afterwards carried down to Whyly a hat for John French, but did not stay. About 3:30 my brother came over to take up a [–ity] frock and waistcoat for Peter Adams. He drank tea with us and carried Philip home with him. Very busy all day. In the evening read Tillotson’s 12th sermon. This day Thomas Cornwell caught up my horse out of the Broyle for me, but I have not yet paid him for it.

Friday, May 28 1756

At home all the morning. Paid Mr Samuel Virgoe Sr by Mr Calverley… 8/- in full for 8 weeks rent for the house I taught school in, due the 27th instant, and also in full of all demands to this day. Paid Mr Heaver the miller of Isfield’s man 5/- in full for 1 bushel of oatmeal received today. We dined on the remains of Monday’s and Tuesday’s dinners with the addition of an eel pie cold. After dinner I got Master Durrant’s man to go down to the Broyle along with me to catch my horse which was turned out there. We looked over a great part of the Broyle, but to no purpose, for we could not find him. We called at Mr William Dicker’s and drank 1 mug of great beer, which I paid for. We came home about 7 o’clock. I gave the man 6d for going with me. At home for the rest of the evening. Read Martin’s Magazine for April. Mr Joseph Burgess wanted to see me in my absence.

Holy Thursday, May 27 1756

In the morning got up and went over to Framfield in order to get my brother Moses to come over to stand the shop while my wife and I went to Dicker Fair. I rode to Framfield on a horse borrowed of Mr French and brought Philip home in my lap. My brother came out with us, but, forgetting something, he sent back again; so he did not come till about 30 minutes after I came home. We dined on the remains of Monday’s and Tuesday’s dinner with the addition of a green salad. About 12:30 my wife and I set out for Dicker Fair on Mr French’s horse. We went to Mr Crowhurst the potter’s, at Bayley’s Lane, in order to buy some earthenware, but he had no quantity of ware burnt, only what was in the kiln; so I did not look out any. We came back to Dicker Fair about 3:30 where, meeting with Miss Day and several more, I had them into a booth to treat them. As we sat drinking, Mr John Kenward of Westham came in, as did Mr French and Richard Hope. Spent on the whole at the fair 3/-. Came home about 8:30 in company with Mr French, John and Molly French, Molly and Elizabeth Fuller, James and Ann Fuller, Miss Day and Richard Hope. After I came home, my brother went home and left Philip at our house. I also went up to Mrs Day’s to carry up 5 yds of ferret [a narrow woollen or cotton tape], which I got at Lewes for her. I stayed, at Mrs Day’s about half an hour.

Wednesday, May 26 1756

This morning relieved two women with a pass with 12d. They were passed from Dorchester to Canterbury, having one child each, and one big with child. We dined on the remains of Monday’s and yesterday’s dinners with the addition of a boiled carp, part of which I sent to Joseph Mepham, he being very ill. After dinner sent our maid over to Framfield, and in the afternoon Thomas Fuller and I balanced accounts… I went home with him and stayed and smoked three or four pipes. Came home about 12 o’clock. This day posted my day book.