Friday, August 1 1755

Paid John Fitness 8/9 in full for 6 corn hooks. Paid for bread ½d. Between schooltime carried up to Thomas Fuller’s 6 lbs of 6d sugar. Went to Chiddingly after schooltime to look upon Mr Hicks’s wool. Bid him 6¾d per pound for it. Paid Francis Smith in cash 18/2, which with £12.7.0 sent him by his boy the 29th July is in all £13.5.2, which he paid for me in London, as under (to wit)

To Margesson & Co.                 £13.0.0

To Crowder & Co. in full           £0.5.2

In the evening went down to Halland to look upon Mr Coates’s wool, which was all West-Country, and because I would not give him 7d per pound for it he huffed me prodigiously.

Wednesday, July 30 1755

At home all day. Paid for bread ½d. Left off school at 3:40. About 5 minutes before 4 my [wife] went to Whitesmith to see the mountebank. Bought a packet [of patent medicine] which cost her 12d. She came home about 10:45. Mr Taylor, Messrs Heywood and Blake’s man, called on me. I paid him by a draft I drew on Messrs Margesson and Collison for £4.11.0, 30 days’ date, in full.

Tuesday, July 29 1755

Sent Frank Smith by his boy £12.7.0 which he is to pay Messrs Margesson and Collison for me. Paid for cherries 4½d. Paid Master Piper 6/6 for 2 bushels of pale malt received the 28th instant. Gave a traveller and my schoolboy 1½d. Rec’d of Halland gardener 1 gallon of French beans which I am to pay 4d for. Paid Isfield miller’s man 5/- for a bushel of oatmeal received today.

Wednesday, July 23 1755

At home all day. Paid for bread 3½d, for butter 3d, for a sheep’s heart 1½d. Paid John Jenner at Hailsham, hatter, £1.16.0 (as under) for 3 hats at 18d, 3/6 and 4/-, received this day (to wit):

By balance of account 0.5.9½
By goods 0.18.2½
By cash   0.12.0

Gave him orders for 3 boys’ hats at 13 and 22d and 6 men’s at 2/- and 2/6. Rec’d of Dame Russell, wife of Ed Russell, 5/- in full for the heirs of Mr Thomas Thompsett deceased, as under:

Russell debtor to Thompsett 0.11.0
Thompsett dr. to Russell for ½ cord wood0.6.0