Saturday, July 12 1755

This day sold Mr Blackwell of Hawkhurst all my white rags at 27/- per hundred, and bought of him 12 couple of white pound and half-pound paper, 8 reams of midd[ling?] hand ditto at 4/-, 2 reams of brown cap and 1 ream of 2 lb ditto at 4/3. Paid Joseph Fuller 21d for a leg of mutton weight 6 lbs. Paid Mr Bulcock £3.7.8 in full for Messrs Masfen’s, the last parcel only excepted. He stayed and drank tea here. Paid Mrs Atkins in goods, 5/6, being in full for a crock of butter of 11 lbs which I sold for her. Paid for ½ lb butter and bread 3½ d. At home all day and very busy. Received of cooper Hammond 1 6-bushel bucking tub, £0.15.0.

Tuesday, July 8 1755

Mr Elliott from Warbleton called here in the morning to speak with Mr Collison. Mr Collison came about 10:30. Paid Mr John Collison in cash £27.10.6, which according to my account balances the cash account, and there remains due on the goods account £32.16.1. Mr Collison stayed and dined with me and went to Framfield about 2:10. Rec’d of Rippington’s boys 6d in full for one week’s schooling, due on Saturday last.

Saturday, July 5 1755

At home all day, busy. Lucy Durrant and James Hutchens drank tea with us. Mr French, Piper, Fuller and Durrant here in the evening to get me to make the land and window tax books against Monday morning. This day I heard of my late servant George Beard of Chailey being married to his servant. Paid for a shoulder of mutton, 6 lbs, 21d.